Hosting Shiny

Chapter 6 Containerizing Shiny Apps

Containerization is a topic that is of increasing interest to data scientists and is a key feature for being able to cover the R and Python aspects of Shiny hosting in parallel. Once the container image is built, deployment and hosting become independent of the language that the app was written in. Tooling around this task has made huge advances over the past two years, and thanks to this, the topic is now accessible to a wider audience.

Containerization enables you to separate your applications from your infrastructure so you can deliver software faster. Containerization help makes an application platform independent by creating virtual environments in a container. To run a specific application, you will need to develop an image for that platform which is then published on a container registry. The developed image can be pulled from the registry to run a virtualized container environment for the application.

Docker is one of the most popular tools for creating and managing containers for Shiny apps. This chapter will outline the needed concepts for containerizing your shiny application.

Learning Docker seems daunting at first, but it is an incredibly powerful piece of technology once you get the hang of it. It is also the building block of the modern web.

Docker is not the only tooling for containerizing applications. Docker’s licensing model has recently changed and can require a paid license for commercial use. Therefore, there are alternatives of the Docker Engine such as using Podman. However, Podman is much more technical to use than Docker.

All the general advantages of containerized applications apply to Shiny apps. Docker provides isolation to applications. Images are immutable: once build they cannot be changed, and if the app is working, it will work the same in the future. Another important consideration is scaling. Shiny apps are single-threaded, but running multiple instances of the same image can serve many users at the same time. Let’s dive into the details of how to achieve these.

6.1 Docker Concepts

Containers provide portability, consistency, and are used for packaging, deploying, and running cloud-native data science applications. Docker is the most popular virtualization environment to deliver software in containers. Docker is also well supported for Python and R. Among the many use cases, Docker is most commonly used to deploy reproducible workflows and to provide isolation for Shiny apps.

Containers bundle their own software, libraries and configuration files and are isolated from one another. Containers are the run-time environments or instances defined by container images. Let’s review the most important concepts. Figure 6.1 illustrates how all the Docker-related concepts all fit together.

Docker architecture. Follow the solid, scattered and dotted lines to see how the Docker command line interface (CLI) interacts with the the Docker daemon and the container registry for various commands.

Figure 6.1: Docker architecture. Follow the solid, scattered and dotted lines to see how the Docker command line interface (CLI) interacts with the the Docker daemon and the container registry for various commands.

You as the user, will use the command line as the client to the Docker Engine which exists on a host machine. The Docker Engine interfaces with the container registry to pull the necessary images for building a local copy of an image on the host for running an instance of a container.

6.1.1 Docker Engine

The Docker Engine is a client-server application that includes a server (a long-running daemon process called dockerd that listens to API requests), an application programming interface (REST API) that specifies the interface that programs can use to talk to the daemon process, and a command-line interface (CLI) that is the client-side of Docker.

The CLI uses the REST API to control or interact with the Docker daemon. The daemon creates and manages Docker objects, such as images, containers, volumes, networks, etc.

6.1.2 Container Registries

A Docker registry stores Docker images. Docker Hub is a public registry and Docker is configured to look for images on Docker Hub by default. There are many other registries, or users can have their own private registries. You will see some examples later. Strictly speaking, container registries are for images and not containers.

6.1.3 Images

An image is a read-only template with instructions for creating a Docker container. You can view an image as a set of compressed files and metadata describing how these files – also called image layers – fit together.

An image can be based on another image with additional customization on top of this so-called base* or a parent** image. A base images is an image created from “scratch”, whereas a parent image is just another image that serves as the foundation for a new image. You might see the term base image used for both situations when reading tutorials. Don’t get confused, the Docker lingo has a few inconsistencies that we just have to accept and move on.

6.1.4 The Dockerfile

Docker builds images by reading the instructions from a file called Dockerfile. A Dockerfile is a text document that contains all the commands to assemble an image using the docker build CLI command. You will learn more about the Dockerfile as part of the worked Shiny examples later.

6.1.5 Containers

A container is a runnable instance of an image. Users can create, start, stop a container using the Docker API or CLI. It is also possible to connect a container to networks or attach storage to it.

By default, a container is isolated from other containers and the host machine. The degree of isolation can be controlled by the user and depends on whether it is connected to networks, storage, other containers, or the host machine.

6.1.6 The Docker Command Line

The most common Docker CLI commands are:

  • docker login: log into a Docker registry,
  • docker pull: pull an image from a registry,
  • docker build: build a Docker image based on a Dockerfile,
  • docker push: push a locally built image to a Docker registry,
  • docker run: run a command in a new container based on an image.

You will learn more about these commands in the subsequent sections.

6.2 Working with Existing Images

Let’s learn how to work with an existing image. Such an image is stored in a container registry where we can pull it from if we know its name.

6.2.1 Image Names and Tags

Image names follow the pattern <host>/<path>:<tag>. The optional <host> name specifies where the image is located. If you don’t specify a host name, the commands will use Docker’s public registry, aka the Docker Hub.

The <path> can be an “official” image, like ubuntu. The <tag> is a human-readable identifier that is often a specific version of an image. If not specified, the latest tag will be used. So ubuntu as an image name will be identical to

It is important to note that the latest tag only means “latest” in the sense of the last image that was tagged as latest or was untagged. If you use a different tag, like v1, the image with the latest tag will not get updated as well. So don’t let this tag fool you. It is strongly recommended in production to always explicitly use a tag that is not latest but a specific version.

The path is usually more structured and consists of slash-separated components. It often looks like <namespace>/<repository> where the namespace specifies the user account or organization to which the image belongs to. The base R image maintained by the Rocker project is named as rocker/r-base where rocker is the organization namespace, r-base is the repository.

Another example is the R version of the Old Faithful example which has the image name This means:

  • is the GitHub Container Registry host name,
  • h10y is the GitHub organization,
  • faithful is the GitHub repository,
  • r-shiny is the Shiny app build,
  • latest is the version tag.

6.2.2 Pulling an Image

You can use the docker pull <image-name> command to pull an image from a public registry. For example docker pull ubuntu:24.04 will pull the 24.04 version of the “official” Ubuntu image from the Docker Hub. docker pull rocker/r-base:4.4.1 will pull the image with R version 4.1.1. Pull the R Shiny version of the Old Faithful as:

docker pull

# Using default tag: latest
# latest: Pulling from h10y/faithful/r-shiny
# Digest: sha256:12e[...]4ea

You can see from the messages that the latest tag was applied because we did not specify the tag. We can also see the SHA256 digest, that is a unique and immutable identifier. The name can change, or multiple names can refer to the same image (i.e. a set of layers and their manifest). But the image digest will be the same. To “pin” the exact version, you can use the <image-name>@sha256:12e[...]4ea pattern (use the actual digest copied from your screen without the [...]):

docker pull[...]4ea

To pull all images from a repository, you can use the --all-tags flag:

docker image pull --all-tags

This will pull not only the latest, but also the image tagged as main named after the Git branch. Use the docker images command to list the images.

6.2.3 Docker Login

You don’t need to authenticate for public images, but in case you are trying to pull a private image from a private repository, you need to log into the container registry. Such private repositories are common and are available on Docker Hub, the GitHub or GitLab container registries. More on the different container registries later.

To log in to the GitHub container registry, use:

docker login

This command will ask for our credentials interactively. If you want, you can provide your username and password. But it is usually recommended to use an access token instead of your password because the token can have more restricted scopes, i.e. only used to (read) access the container registry which is a lot more secure. You can also set expiry dates and can revoke these tokens any time without having to change login passwords elsewhere.

Let’s say that you saved your GitHub token value in a file ~/my_token.txt in the root of your home folder (~). You can pass the PAT value to the docker login command via the standard input as:

cat ~/my_token.txt | docker login \
    --username <username> \

where <username> is your GitHub username.

6.2.4 Running a Container

The next command is docker run which runs a command in a new container. It pulls the image if needed before starting the container.

Try the following command. It will pull the latest image for the Python build of the Old Faithful example app, then it will start a new container:

docker run -p 8080:3838

The -p is a shorthand for --publish that instructs Docker to publish a container’s port to the host port. In our example, 3838 is the container’s port which is mapped to port 8080 of the host machine. As a result, you can visit in your browser to see the Python Shiny app. Hit CTRL+C in the terminal to stop the container. We will learn about container ports in a bit, but in essence it is just a channel that is used to send information back and forth.

6.3 Building a New Image

So far you saw how to use the basic Docker commands to pull and run images. Now you’ll build a Docker image by recreating the Old Faithful Shiny app that we worked with before.

In our examples, we will use the following setup: a file named Dockerfile sits next to a folder named app, and the Shiny app files like app.R or are in this folder. This setup is convenient because we can copy all the files from the app folder without having to worry about copying files that should not be there.

├── Dockerfile
└── app
    └── ...

You can follow along the examples by downloading or cloning the GitHub repository with git clone All the different builds of the Old Faithful app from Chapter 5 will have a Dockerfile and instructions in the files within each folder.

6.3.1 R for Shiny

For our R Shiny example within the r-shiny folder, this is what is inside the Dockerfile:

FROM rocker/r2u:24.04

RUN R -q -e "install.packages('shiny')"

RUN groupadd app && useradd -g app app
WORKDIR /home/app

COPY app .

RUN chown app:app -R /home/app
USER app

CMD ["R", "-e", "shiny::runApp(host='', port=3838)"]

We will explain the Dockerfile instructions in the next section. For now, you can use the docker build command to build the image from the Dockerfile. You will have to be in the same directory as the Dockerfile, this place is what we’ll call as the build context. This is what the . at the end of the command stands for:

docker build -t r-shiny:v1 .

The context here specifies the current directory (.), but it can be any relative or absolute filepath. Files and directories inside the context directory are available to the builder, so it can load them when needed. You can use a .dockerignore file to list files and directories that should be ignored within the build context. It is similar to the .gitignore file.

The instructions are taken from the Dockerfile at the root of the build context. If you want to specify a different file, do so by providing the path to the file using the -f (or --file) option as docker build -f Dockerfile2 ..

The -t argument (same as --tag) is followed by the image name (r-shiny-test) and the tag (v1). If you do not specify the image name/tag at image build (i.e. docker build .), Docker will not tag the image but it will have an image ID that you can use later to tag the image with docker tag <image-id> r-shiny-test:v1.

You can apply multiple tags as:

docker build -t r-shiny:v1 -t r-shiny:latest .

6.3.2 Buildx and BuildKit

While the builder is running, you’ll see lots of messages printed as Docker goes through the instructions from the Dockerfile. As of Docker Engine 23.0 and Docker Desktop 4.19, Buildx is the default build client and user interface. Buildx brings extended build capabilities with BuildKit. BuildKit is the server that handles the build execution, e.g. it communicates with registries, instructs the Docker Engine and accesses the local file system. You can enable the use of BuildKit on older Docker systems by setting the environment variable DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1.

The Buildx output is nicer and it provides you with timings for every step of your Dockerfile:

[+] Building 32.4s (12/12) FINISHED
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                    0.0s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 282B                                    0.0s
 => [internal] load metadata for             1.2s
 => [auth] rocker/r2u:pull token for               0.0s
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                       0.0s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                         0.0s
 => [1/6] FROM[...]dd73          9.2s
 => => resolve[...]dd73          0.0s
 => [internal] load build context                                       0.0s
 => => transferring context: 845B                                       0.0s
 => [2/6] RUN groupadd app && useradd -g app app                        0.7s
 => [3/6] RUN R -q -e "install.packages('shiny')"                      20.9s
 => [4/6] WORKDIR /home/app                                             0.0s
 => [5/6] COPY app .                                                    0.0s
 => [6/6] RUN chown app:app -R /home/app                                0.1s
 => exporting to image                                                  0.3s
 => => exporting layers                                                 0.3s
 => => writing image sha256:4d10[...]bab7                               0.0s
 => => naming to                           0.0s

Sometimes you want to inspect the output and do not only want the collapsed output. Add the --progress=plain to the build command to see all the output. This comes handy when troubleshooting the build.

BuildKit also offers other nice features, for example setting the target platform(s) for the build via the --platform option. The default value is the platform of the BuildKit daemon where the build runs, i.e. your laptop or a server. This can be important for Mac OS X users on Apple Silicone (M1 and above), because the default ARM64 build will have poor performance or might fail on other platforms on AMD64 machines. Use the --platform=linux/arm64 to build the image for AMD64 architecture. You can also build for multiple architectures at once with docker build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 .. See 3.1.5 for enabling virtualization on Mac OS X to enable builds for multiple platforms.

6.3.3 Inspecting the Image

The output of the build is an image that has a SHA256 hash that can be used as a unique identifier. The image is made up of image layers. These layers are created by the instructions from the Dockerfile. If you run the build command again you will notice that instead of 32 seconds, it will take almost no time to build the image. This is because the layers are cached by default and Docker smartly evaluates which instructions and files have changed since the last build. Sometimes the cache gets tangled, or you just want to make sure that the error is not a caching issue. In this case use the --no-cache flag with docker build.

You can use the docker history r-shiny:v1 command to see how the image was built and you can see the sizes for every layer. Intermediate layers have a size of 0B and these do not contribute to the overall image size. The layers created 2 hours ago are the layers we created, the layers created 2 weeks ago are the layers from the parent image rocker/r2u:24.04, whereas the layers created 2 months ago are the official ubuntu:24.04 image layers that form the parent image of the rocker/r2u:24.04 one:

IMAGE          CREATED        CREATED BY                                  SIZE
4d[...]52   2 hours ago    CMD ["R" "-e" "shiny::runApp(host='',   0B
<missing>   2 hours ago    EXPOSE map[3838/tcp:{}]                        0B
<missing>   2 hours ago    USER app                                       0B
<missing>   2 hours ago    RUN /bin/sh -c chown app:app -R /home/app #    780B
<missing>   2 hours ago    COPY app . # buildkit                          780B
<missing>   2 hours ago    WORKDIR /home/app                              0B
<missing>   2 hours ago    RUN /bin/sh -c R -q -e "install.packages('sh   109MB
<missing>   2 hours ago    RUN /bin/sh -c groupadd app && useradd -g ap   5.14kB
<missing>   2 weeks ago    RUN /bin/sh -c apt-get update         && apt   642MB
<missing>   2 weeks ago    ENV TZ=UTC                                     0B
<missing>   2 weeks ago    ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive             0B
<missing>   2 weeks ago    ENV LANG=en_US.UTF-8                           0B
<missing>   2 weeks ago    ENV LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8                         0B
<missing>   2 weeks ago    RUN /bin/sh -c useradd -s /bin/bash -m docke   81.6MB
<missing>   2 weeks ago    LABEL org.label-schema.license=GPL-2.0 org.l   0B
<missing>   2 months ago   /bin/sh -c #(nop)  CMD ["/bin/bash"]           0B
<missing>   2 months ago   /bin/sh -c #(nop)  ADD file:ac9d5a9d5b9b1217   76.2MB
<missing>   2 months ago   /bin/sh -c #(nop)  LABEL org.opencontainers.   0B
<missing>   2 months ago   /bin/sh -c #(nop)  LABEL org.opencontainers.   0B
<missing>   2 months ago   /bin/sh -c #(nop)  ARG LAUNCHPAD_BUILD_ARCH    0B
<missing>   2 months ago   /bin/sh -c #(nop)  ARG RELEASE                 0B

The docker inspect r-shiny:v1 returns a long JSON output that is the metadata of the image. It also has the SHA256 hash of the image. Here is the greatly simplified output:

        "Id": "sha256:4d10[...]bab7",
        "RepoTags": ["r-shiny:v1"],
        "Created": "2024-07-05T04:59:01.123398172Z",
        "Config": {
            "User": "app",
            "ExposedPorts": {"3838/tcp": {}},
            "Cmd": ["R","-e",
                "shiny::runApp(host='', port=3838)"],
            "Volumes": null,
            "WorkingDir": "/home/app",
            "Entrypoint": null,
        "Architecture": "amd64",
        "Os": "linux",
        "Size": 909132976,
        "Metadata": {
            "LastTagTime": "2024-07-05T06:20:22.2764725Z"

Once the docker image is built, you can run the container to make sure the app is working as expected:

docker run -p 8080:3838 r-shiny:v1

6.3.4 Python for Shiny

You can find the Python for Shiny example in the py-shiny folder of the Old Faithful example repository. The Dockerfile for the Python version looks like this:

FROM python:3.9

COPY app/requirements.txt .
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r requirements.txt

RUN groupadd app && useradd -g app app
WORKDIR /home/app

COPY app .

RUN chown app:app -R /home/app
USER app

RUN mkdir .config
ENV MPLCONFIGDIR=/home/app/.config
ENV HOME=/home/app

CMD ["uvicorn", "app:app", "--host", "", "--port", "3838"]

We’ll explain each line shortly. To build and check the Docker image, use the following commands:

export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64

docker build -t py-shiny:v1 .

docker run -p 8080:3838 py-shiny:v1

The DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM environment variable is not strictly necessary, but it can save you some headaches on Mac OS X when the platform for the parent image is not matching the local ARM64 architecture of your Apple Silicone.

6.4 Managing Images

There are a few commands that you need to know to manage your Docker images in the absence of the Docker Desktop graphical user interface. This will pay off later when you have no such luxuries on a server.

To list the Docker images, use the docker images command. It will give you a quick summary of the images:

REPOSITORY   TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED             SIZE
py-shiny     v1        ed11a2980c07   5 seconds ago       1.24GB
r-shiny      v1        4d10f42d6a52   About an hour ago   909MB

Size is the space taken up by the image and all its parent images.

You can filter the output, for example docker images --filter=reference="py-*" will give you images whose name starts with py-, whereas docker images --filter=reference="*:v1" will list images that are tagged with v1.

Use the docker rmi <image-name-or-id> to remove an image based on its name or the image ID.

The docker system df command will give you a concise summary of disk usage by the Docker daemon including images, containers, and volumes:

Images          2         1         1.457GB   1.355GB (98%)
Containers      1         1         0B        0B
Local Volumes   0         0         0B        0B
Build Cache     117       0         3.005GB   3.005GB

If you build images during development while keeping the image name and tag the same you will end up with “dangling” images that are untagged and are not used any longer. Dangling images can accumulate over time and can fill up the available space that Docker Desktop is allocating for images. Use docker system prune to clean up these dangling images. The command docker system prune --all will remove all unused images and containers.

The Docker Desktop uses a finite amount of disk space that can fill up. Do the cleanup or go to the Docker Desktop settings and under Resources you should be able to change the virtual disk limit. You can check the RAM, CPU, and disk usage by looking at the bottom of the Docker Desktop window.

6.5 Sharing Images

As we saw, Docker images are just compressed files linked by metadata. You should be able to copy these files and move them around. The docker save command lets you save an image to a compressed tar file:

docker save -o r-shiny-v1.tar r-shiny:v1

Next, you take this tar file, copy it to another server and load it with:

docker load --input r-shiny-v1.tar

This restores both the image and the tags.

Now imagine that you are managing more than two machines, or you want to share the Docker image with others so that they can use it or to serve as a parent image. The save/copy/load workflow becomes cumbersome quickly. In this case, using a registry might be a much better idea. There are many options to choose from, and you can even host your own registry.

6.5.1 Pushing Images

Let’s tag the r-shiny image so that it has a host defined:

docker tag r-shiny:v1

Now we can push the locally built Docker image to a container registry:

docker push

Note that this command will not work on your machine because you do not have write access to the repository. You need to create an image name that would let you push to your own personal Docker Hub account as an example.

The image tag should start with the registry name unless you are pushing to Docker Hub. When the image tag is not specified, Docker will treat the new image as :latest automatically.

6.5.2 Docker Registries

A Docker registry stores Docker images. This is where we push images to and pull images from. Docker Hub is a public registry and Docker is configured to look for images on Docker Hub by default. Docker Hub is a service provided by Docker for finding and sharing container images. The canonical host name for Docker Hub is This is the default registry when you don’t specify a registry host as part of the image name.

There are many other registries out there besides Docker Hub. Here is a non-exhaustive list of options.

The GitHub Container Registry (GHCR) is available as part of GitHub Packages for free and paid plans, even for private repositories under the free plan. This registry requires no authentication for public images, otherwise you have to authenticate using your GitHub token. The visibility of the images inherits the repository visibility but can be changed by the owner. The host name for GHCR is

An alternative to GitHub is GitLab (host name, that has provided registry support for its free (public and private) repositories long before GitHub. The registry is tightly integrated with GitLab’s CI/CD pipelines. This registry also needs login with a token for private images.

Heroku is a platform provider and it also comes with a Docker registry (host name is where the Docker-based deployments push the images to.

Every major cloud provider offers a Docker container registry that is integrated with their other offerings. Latency should be minimal due to network proximity to the servers:

  • Amazon Elastic Container Registry
  • Azure Container Registry
  • Google Container Registry
  • DigitalOcean Container Registry

Other common alternatives for container registries include the JFrog Container Registry, Harbor, and Scaleway.

Although these services are called “container registry”, but strictly speaking they store container images.

6.5.3 Log In to a Registry

When you work with private registries or private images, you need to log in with the docker login command. For Docker Hub, just type docker login. For all other registries, type in the registry URL as well, e.g. docker login

The Docker CLI then will prompt you for your username and password (or access token).

You can log in programmatically by providing your username and the password through standard input from a file:

cat ~/my_password.txt | docker login -u USER --password-stdin

The my_password.txt in this example is is a simple text file with the token inside and it can be found in the root of your home folder (~). Change the file path and file name as needed.

You can also use an environment variable to store your token value that you can pass to the login command as:

  export TOKEN=<your-token-value>
echo $TOKEN | docker login -u USER --password-stdin

Notice the white space before the export statement, use double spaces so that the command after the spaces will not be saved in your shell history. The history allows you to recall previous commands by pushing the up arrow key. The shell history is really just a text file, so copy pasting secrets into the terminal will leave a trace. Use this trick for sensitive information.

With one of these approaches you can log into any public or private repository for which you have credentials. The credentials will be stored locally in $HOME/.docker/config.json on Linux and Mac or in %USERPROFILE%/.docker/config.json on Windows. After login, there is no need to re-authenticate until you log out with docker logout.

It is always a good idea to use a token instead of your password. Tokens can have limited scope (i.e. only for pulling images), and can be revoked at any time without it impacting other areas of your life.

Note that docker login requires users to use sudo or be the root user.

6.5.4 Local Registry

You might not want the Docker images to leave your computer because you need an air gapped environment, or you are setting up a registry within your virtual private network (VPN). In these situations, you can host your own container registry.

If you want a registry hosted on your machine, just pull the registry image. The next command will pull the registry image, and run the similarly named container in the background on port 5000:

docker run -d \
  -p 5000:5000 \
  --restart=always \
  --name registry \

Giving a container a name makes it easier to remove the container later, this way you don’t have to find the container ID. The restart policy always restarts the container if it stops, but not when it is manually stopped. The -d flag will start the container in a background process, so you get back the shell prompt, and you will not see the container log messages.

Tag an image with the host name of your local registry, localhost:5000, and push the image:

docker tag r-shiny:v1 localhost:5000/r-shiny:v1

docker push localhost:5000/r-shiny:v1

To test if it worked, remove the images from your local Docker system. If you use the -f flag and specify the image ID then the docker rmi command untags and removes all images that match that ID (get the image ID from docker images):

docker rmi -f <image_id>

Now you can pull the image from your local registry:

docker pull localhost:5000/r-shiny:v1

The next command stops and removes the registry container. It is a daemonized (background) process, so CTRL+C won’t work. The -v option makes sure to remove anonymous volumes associated with the container which is often used to mount a volume from your hard drive into the container where the images are stored:

docker container stop registry && \
  docker container rm -v registry

If you want your registry to be accessed over a public network, then you need to think about security and access control. You’ll have to set up transport layer security (TLS) for HTTPS and user authentication, which are advanced topics and we recommend using a commercial container registry that we listed above and use private repositories to control access to your images.

6.6 The Dockerfile

It is time to review the Dockerfiles line by line and learn about each of the different types of instructions and their uses. We organize the sections according to functional steps based on the Dockerfiles for our R and Python apps. The full Dockerfile reference can be found at

6.6.1 The Parent Image

The FROM instruction initializes a new build stage and sets the base (FROM SCRATCH) or parent image (e.g. FROM ubuntu:24.04). For the R version we used the FROM rocker/r2u:24.04 and for the Python version we used FROM python:3.9. We will review the different parent images and how to use multiple parent images in the same Dockerfile as part of a multi-stage build later.

6.6.2 Metadata

The LABEL instruction is optional, it adds metadata to an image, e.g. who to contact in case of issues or questions:

LABEL maintainer="USER <>"

We’ll talk more about labels as part of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) /FIXME: add ref here/.

6.6.3 Dependencies

We often use the RUN instruction to install dependencies and use other shell commands to set permissions to files, etc. RUN executes a command in a new layer on top of the current image. We used the RUN R -q -e "install.packages('shiny')" to install the shiny R package, whereas the Python version used the requirements.txt alongside the pip command as:

COPY app/requirements.txt .
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r requirements.txt

We also used RUN to add a user called app to a Linux user group called app. This is needed because you do not want to run containers as the root user in production. Running the container with root privileges allows unrestricted use which is to be avoided. Although you can find lots of examples on the Internet where the container is run as root, this is generally considered bad practice. This is how we created the non-root user:

RUN groupadd app && useradd -g app app

6.6.4 Directories and Files

Next we changed the working directory to /home/app that is he home folder of the non-privileged app user:

WORKDIR /home/app

The WORKDIR instruction sets the working directory for any RUN, CMD, ENTRYPOINT, COPY and ADD instructions that follow it in the Dockerfile.

The COPY instruction copies new files or directories from the source and adds them to the file system of the container at the destination path.

COPY app .

The source here is the app folder inside the Docker build context. The contents of the folder, including the Shiny app files, are copied. The destination path . refers to the current work directory defined previously, in this case, the /home/app folder.

Use an alternative format if the paths contain whitespace: COPY ["dir with space", "."].

You would almost always use COPY in your Dockerfile, but a very similar instruction is ADD. ADD allows the source to be a URL, a Git repository, or a compressed file.

Wildcards, such as * for multiple characters and ? for single character, are supported in COPY and ADD instructions. For example COPY app/*.py . will copy only the Python scripts and nothing else.

Normally when the source does not exist docker build exits with an error. An interesting feature of wildcards is that the build does not error if there are no matching results. For example COPY *renv.lock . will copy the renv.lock file if it exists, but the build won’t stop if it does not.

The owner of the files and directories at the destination is the root user. If you want to set the user and the group so that the non-root user will be able to access these resources you can use the optional --chown flag that stands for change owner:

COPY --chown app:app app .

Here the --chown app:app sets the user and the group values to app. This is equivalent to the following combination of COPY and RUN:

COPY app .
RUN chown app:app -R /home/app

Similarly, use the --chmod flag to define read/write/execute permissions.

6.6.5 Switching User

The USER instruction sets the user name to use as the default user for the ENTRYPOINT and CMD commands. We used USER app to switch to the non-root app user.

6.6.6 Expose a Port

The EXPOSE instruction defines the port that Docker container listens on at runtime. We chose port 3838 with the EXPOSE 3838 instruction. This is the container port that we connect to using the docker run -p 8080:3838 <image-name> command.

You can pick any port, but remember that exposing a lower port number, like 80 (the standard HTTP port) will require elevated privileges. In general, we recommend using port numbers 1024 and above. Using lower ports will result in failures with a non-root user, such as our app user.

6.6.7 Variables

The ENV instruction sets the default values for environment variables. We set two variables for the Python app to allow configs to be written for matplotlib by the app user:

ENV MPLCONFIGDIR=/home/app/.config
ENV HOME=/home/app

These environment variables will be part of the final image, so do not use ENV to add secrets to the image at build time. Such environment variables should be added at runtime, e.g. with docker run --env TOKEN=<token-value> <image-name> or using a file as docker run --env-file .env <image-name> which will read the variables from the .env file.

The ARG instruction defines a variable that users can pass at build-time. For example, adding ARG GITHUB_PAT to the Dockerfile would allow you to use the remotes::install_github() function to install an R package from a private GitHub repository. You can provide the token value to docker build as:

  export GITHUB_PAT=<your-token>
docker build -t <image-tag> --build-arg="GITHUB_PAT=${GITHUB_PAT}" .

The token value will not be available in the container at runtime.

6.6.8 Executable and Command

We got to the end of the Dockerfile. This is where we define the process that is executed inside the container at run time via the ENTRYPOINT instruction. This is often omitted. In that case, the default executable is set to /bin/sh -c that is the shell executable. Shell is a basic command-line interpreter and the -c flag indicates that the shell will read the commands to execute from a string. This string is provided through the CMD instruction. For example we can add CMD uvicorn app:app --host --port 3838 as the default set of arguments supplied to the ENTRYPOINT process to start the Python Shiny app.

The RUN, CMD, and ENTRYPOINT instructions have two possible forms. The shell form is used mostly with the RUN instruction because it allows useful shell features like piping the output and chaining commands. The shell form is written without square brackets and it would look like this for the R Shiny app:

CMD R -e "shiny::runApp(host='', port=3838)"

This command will execute as a child processes of the shell, and as such, signals like CTRL+C will not be forwarded to the child process by the shell. This is why it is recommended to use the so called “exec” form for the CMD and ENTRYPOINT instructions. The “exec” form is written between square brackets. Here it is for the R version:

CMD ["R", "-e", "shiny::runApp(host='', port=3838)"]

And for the Python version:

CMD ["uvicorn", "app:app", "--host", "", "--port", "3838"]

When we discussed local hosting of the Shiny apps we did not review all the possible arguments for the R and Python commands. Two options here beg for introduction. The host defines the IP address that the app listens on. The default host value is (also known as localhost or loopback address). If we leave the host at its default value, we will not be able to access the container from outside because localhost can only be accessed from the same address. This is the reason why we need to set it to which can be accessed from outside of the container.

The other important argument is the TCP port that the application is listening on. If the prot is not provided for the R Shiny command, Shiny will pick a random port number. We obviously do not want to guess this port, so we need to set it. The 3838 port number is the same as the number we exposed via the EXPOSE 3838 instruction.

It is possible to use an environment variable for the port number and substitute it in the CMD command:

CMD ["R", "-e", "shiny::runApp(host='', port=$PORT)"]

This way the default value is set to 3838, but you can override it at runtime as docker run --env PORT=5000 <image-name>.

6.7 Parent Images

We have reviewed Docker basics and how to dockerize a very simple Shiny app. For anything that is a little bit more complex, you will have to manage dependencies. Dependency management is one of the most important aspects of app development with Docker. And it begins with finding the right parent image as the basis of the rest of your Dockerfile.

The ground zero for Docker images is the reserved and explicitly empty image called scratch. FROM scratch is used for hosting super minimal images containing a single binary executable or as the foundation of common base images such as debian, ubuntu or alpine.

Debian is a Linux distribution that’s composed entirely of free and open-source software and is a community project. Ubuntu is derived from Debian and is commercially backed by Canonical. Ubuntu uses the same APT packaging system as Debian and many packages and libraries from Debian repositories. Both of these Linux distributions are loved for their versatility and reliability, and the huge user base ensures first class community support.

Alpine Linux is a minimal distribution independent of Debian and other distributions. It was designed with a focus on simplicity, security, and efficiency. This distribution has a very compact size, and therefore is a popular choice for embedded systems and IoT devices. This distribution is also community maintained.

Here are the sizes for these three images. Debian is the largest, Ubuntu in the middle, and the Alpine being more than 10 times smaller:

debian        12.6      7b34f2fc561c   7 days ago    117MB
ubuntu        24.04     35a88802559d   4 weeks ago   78.1MB
alpine        3.20      a606584aa9aa   2 weeks ago   7.8MB

Many of the commonly used R and Python parent images use Debian/Ubuntu or Alpine as the starting point. The general trade-off between these two lineages comes down to convenience vs. minimalism. Ubuntu and its derivatives tend to be much larger in size, but build times can be considerably faster due to very mature package management system and the availability of pre-built binaries.

Alpine-based images, however, tend to be much smaller, almost bare bones. Alpine uses different compilers that Ubuntu so you’ll often have to build and compile your packages from source. This can be tedious and time consuming. However, its small size reduces the surface area for potential attackers and as a result the images tend to be less vulnerable.

The final image size is important to consider, but images based on the same parent image share lots of their layers anyways, so the images can pack much tighter on your hard drive than you might think based on their size without subtracting common layers. Also,the size advantage of the Alpine distribution evaporates quickly as you start adding R and Python libraries. Some packages will take up more space than the parent image itself.

6.7.1 Popular Parent Images for R

Let’s see some of the most popular base R images based. Here is the output from docker images after pulling each of these Docker images:

REPOSITORY       TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
r-base           4.4.1     16511f39cdb4   3 weeks ago     833MB
rocker/r-base    4.4.1     22b431698084   3 weeks ago     878MB
rocker/r-ver     4.4.1     9bb36eff1caa   3 weeks ago     843MB
rocker/shiny     4.4.1     a90ccd5c09b9   3 weeks ago     1.58GB
rocker/r2u       24.04     1441545ed6df   2 weeks ago     800MB
rhub/r-minimal   4.4.1     1e280d0205b7   3 weeks ago     44.9MB

The official r-base image is an R installation built on top of Debian. It is maintained by the Rocker community (, Boettiger and Eddelbuettel (2017)). This r-base image is like the rocker/r-base, these two images are built from the same Dockerfile, but with different build tools. The Debian Linux distribution is more cutting edge than Ubuntu. This means it has unstable repos added and it receives updates faster. It is for those who like to live on the cutting edge of development.

For those who value stability more, the Ubuntu based images could be better suited. Such as the Rocker versioned stack, rocker/r-ver, which emphasizes reproducibility. This stack has both AMD64 and experimental ARM64 support for R version 4.1.0 and later. For the AMD64 platform, it serves compiled binaries of R packages that makes package installs speedy.

The default CRAN mirror for rocker/r-ver is set to the Posit Public Package Manager (P3M,, previously called RStudio Package Manager or RSPM). To ensure reproducibility, the non-latest R version images install R packages from a fixed snapshot of the CRAN mirror at a given date. So you’ll end up with the same package versions no matter when you build your image.

The rocker/shiny image is based on the rocker/r-ver stack and comes with Shiny related packages and Shiny Server Open Source installed. This makes it the beefiest of all the images presented. It has 68 packages available instead of the 31 within the r-base and r-ver stacks (14 base and 15 recommended packages). The images so far have been tagged by the R version that is inside the image, e.g. 4.4.1.

The rocker/r2u is based on Ubuntu as well, and it brings Ubuntu binaries for CRAN packages fully integrated with the system package manager (apt). When you use install.packages() it will call apt in the background. This has the advantage that system dependencies are fully resolved, i.e. no need to guess and manually install them. Installations are also reversible. It uses the CRAN mirror at Keep in mind that packages and R itself are generally the highest available version. Therefore, the image tag is not based on the R version but based on the Ubuntu LTS (Long Term Support) version, like 24.04.

All the Rocker images pack utilities that help with command line tasks, such as installing packages via install.r and installGithub.r, all part of the littler project (Eddelbuettel and Horner 2024). There is even a command line tool for Shiny, so instead of CMD ["R", "-e", "shiny::runApp(host='', port=3838)"] you can use CMD ["shiny.r", "-o", "", "-p", "3838"] in your Dockerfile.

Finally, the rhub/r-minimal image is based on Alpine Linux and is the tiniest available image for R. This feat is achieved by not having recommended R packages installed (it has a total of 14 required packages), it does not have any documentation or translations, no X11 window support. It does not even have C, C++ or Fortran compilers. So if an R package relies on compiled code, first you have to install a compiler, then later uninstall it to keep the image size minimal. The installr script provided as part of the image helps with the installation and clean-up of build time dependencies, see installr -h for the available options.

If you are looking for Linux distributions other than what we listed so far (Debian, Ubuntu, Alpine), take a look at the rstudio/r-base images that bring versioned base R to many Linux distributions, e.g. CentOS, Rocky Linux, and OpenSUSE.

6.7.2 Popular Parent Images for Python

The official Python images are maintained by the Python community and are either based on Debian or Alpine Linux. Here are the most commonly used variants:

python       3.9          8912c37cec43   12 days ago   996MB
python       3.9-slim     b4045d7da52e   12 days ago   125MB
python       3.9-alpine   893ee28ab004   12 days ago   53.4MB

The python:<version> image is the largest and is the most general supporting all kinds of use cases and is recommended as a parent image. It contains the common Debian packages and compilers.

The python:<version>-slim version contains only the minimal Debian packages needed to run Python itself. It does not contain the compilers for modules written in other languages. This is the reason for the image’s reduced size.

The python:<version>-alpine is based on Alpine and therefore is the smallest. It is similarly bare bones as the minimal R image.

6.8 Installing System Libraries

System libraries are required for different purposes. Some libraries are needed during build time. While others are needed at run time. Say your R or Python package requires compilation or needs to dynamically link to other system libraries. In these cases you have to build your package using compilers (C, C++, Fortran, Rust) and other build time dependencies. System libraries used at build time includes header files and tend to have extra dependencies. These build time system libraries are named with a *-dev or *-devel postfix.

Once your R or Python package has been compiled, you don’t need the build time libraries any more. However, you need the run time libraries. For example if your package needs to be built with libcurl4-openssl-dev, the run time dependency becomes libcurl4. The run time dependencies tend to be much smaller and have fewer dependencies. These will have no conflict with other run time libraries because of the lack of headers included.

6.8.1 Manually Installation

FIXME: Review the Python specific parts.

The Python Wheels project offers binary Python packages. R binaries can be found on CRAN for Windows and Mac OS X. But CRAN does not offer binaries for various Linux distributions for the obvious complexity involved in that. The Posit Public Package Manager provides pre-built binary packages for R and Python. It supports various Linux distributions, including Debian and Ubuntu. The R Universe project provide binaries for CRAN and GitHub packages for Windows, Mac OS X, and in most cases for WebAssembly that is suitable for Shinylive applications. The R Universe project only provides binaries for R packages on Ubuntu using the latest R version.

R and Python packages, once compiled into a binary file, provide metadata about the run time dependencies. You can find the required system libraries on the website of a given repository or package manager. Alternatively, you can try installing the package without its requirements and follow the string of error messages to see what is it that you need to install as a prerequisite.

This GitHub repository lists system requirements for R packages: rstudio/r-system-requirements. The primary purpose of this database is to support the Posit Public Package Manager. To get programmatic access to the database, you can call the Posit Public Package Manager’s API to request the system requirements. For example, for the curl R package (Ooms 2024), you can query the API as Replace the curl and ubuntu parts to get results for other R packages and Linux distributions. The HTTP GET request will result in a JSON response listing the libraries with the install script needed on Ubuntu (try pasting the link into the browser address line):

  "name": "curl",
  "install_scripts": [
    "apt-get install -y libcurl4-openssl-dev",
    "apt-get install -y libssl-dev"

You can also utilize the pak R package (Csárdi and Hester 2024) to query system requirements:

pak::pkg_sysreqs("curl", sysreqs_platform="ubuntu")
# -- Install scripts ---------------------------- Ubuntu NA --
# apt-get -y update
# apt-get -y install libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev
# -- Packages and their system dependencies ------------------
# curl - libcurl4-openssl-dev, libssl-dev

Include these libraries in your Dockerfile as:

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
        libcurl4-openssl-dev \
        libssl-dev \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

When using apt-get (the older and stable version of apt) the first command is always apt-get update which look for updates in the the package lists of the package repositories. This way the system will know if an update is necessary and where to find the individual packages. Next apt-get install <package-name> is called with a few flags: -y means that we answer yes to all the prompts, whereas --no-install-recommends will prevent unnecessary recommended packages from being installed. The last bit cleans up the package lists downloaded by apt-get update which are stored in the /var/lib/apt/lists folder. All these three commands are chained together with && and we used \ for breaking up single line commands to multiple lines for better readability (the backslash escapes a newline character). This arrangement helps organize the packages and you can also comment them out as needed.

You could put all of these chained commands in a separate RUN line, but that is not recommended. Having a single RUN instruction will lead to a single image layer. But what is most important is that the update and install steps should not be separated. Imagine that you update the package lists and now the resulting layer is added to the Docker cache. The next time you add another package to install and rebuild your image. The update command is cached and will not be rerun by default. As a result, you might end up with an outdated version of the package.

6.8.2 Automated Dependency Resolution with r2u

If you are using R on Ubuntu, the r2u project greatly facilitate dependency management. It uses the Debian package format for R packages for latest R version on various Ubuntu LTS platforms. This resolves all the system dependencies through using the .deb binary package format that combines together the pre-built binary package with the metadata about the dependencies. Then the Debian/Ubuntu package manager (apt) can do the rest.

The binary packages are base on P3M where available or built natively. Selected BioConductor packages are also built natively on the project servers. The server hosting the .deb files is set up as a proper apt repository with a signed Release file containing metadata that can be used to cryptographically validate every package in the repository. This file guarantees that the packages you receive are the one you expected and there has been no tampering with it during download.

Because the R packages now live as first class citizens on Ubuntu, uninstalling packages would not unnecessarily remove the shared dependencies that other packages depend on. With the r2u setup and using the rocker/r2u images, you can simply call install.packages("curl") and apt will sort out the dependencies for you in the background.

6.8.3 Dependencies on Alpine Linux

The Alpine Linux has a package manager called apk that is different from Debian’s and Ubuntu’s apt. This likely means that you might have to work harder to find all the Alpine-specific dependencies. You can still use the tools previously mentioned, but will have to find the library for Alpine. You can also follow the breadcrumbs of the error messages of missing dependencies. However, the general idea is similar when it comes to working with the Dockerfile:

FROM rhub/r-minimal:4.4.1

RUN apk add --no-cache --update-cache \
     --repository \
    autoconf=2.69-r2 \
    automake=1.16.1-r0 && \
    installr -d \
    -t "libsodium-dev curl-dev linux-headers gfortran autoconf automake" \
    -a libsodium \
    shiny plotly e1071

First we declare the minimal parent image, then use a RUN instruction to add libraries from the Alpine repository. autoconf and automake is required for building the R packages (shiny, plotly, and e1071). This example is taken from the minimal Dockerfile for the Bananas example app.

The next pieces uses the istallr utility that comes with the rhub/r-minimal image and it’s usage is explained on the GitHub site: The -d flag will install C and C++ compilers (gcc, musl-dev,g++) temporarily, i.e. those will be removed after the successful compilation and installation of the R packages.

The -t option lists Alpine packages to be installed temporarily (a.k.a. build time dependencies), and the -a option lists Alpine packages to keep (a.k.a. run time dependencies). The built in cleanup feature keeps the image sizes small in line with the goal of the parent image’s purpose.

You can also list not only CRAN packages but different “remotes”, like tidyverse/ggplot2 for development version of ggplot2 from GitHub, or local::. to install from a local directory.

The rest of the Dockerfile follow the same patterns as what we saw before. Adding a non-root user, defining the work directory, copying the Shiny app files from the build context to the image’s file system, setting owners for the files, switching to the non-root user, exposing port 3838 and defining the default command to run that calls shiny::runApp():

RUN addgroup --system app && \
    adduser --system --ingroup app app
WORKDIR /home/app
COPY app .
RUN chown app:app -R /home/app
USER app
CMD ["R", "-e", "shiny::runApp(host='', port=3838)"]

The Dockerfile for the Faithful Shiny app ( is somewhat simpler:

FROM rhub/r-minimal:4.4.1
RUN installr -d \
    -t "zlib-dev cairo-dev" \
    -a "cairo font-liberation" \
    Cairo \
RUN addgroup --system app && \
    adduser --system --ingroup app app
WORKDIR /home/app
COPY app .
RUN chown app:app -R /home/app
USER app
CMD ["R", "-e", "shiny::runApp(host='', port=3838)"]

The reason why we need the Cairo package (Urbanek and Horner 2023) besides shiny is because the minimal image has no X11 graphic device support which is used to display base R plots, like histograms. Instead of X11, we can use the Cairo Graphics Library. You can see how we list the build time cairo-dev library and the run time cairo for the R package.

The installation of the system packages and the general lack of available binary packages contributes to the longer build times. The Faithful example took 5 minutes to build with rhub/r-minimal compared to 16 seconds with rocker/r2u and the final image size was 230 MB compared to 975 MB. The Bananas app took 10.4 minutes vs. 28 seconds and resulted in an image of size 113 MB as opposed to 909 MB.

As you can see, the image build time is significantly longer, while the minimal image size is multiplying relative to the parent image’s 45 MB size. The absolute increase in the Ubuntu based image’s size is similar but it is less noticeable in relative terms.

Your Shiny apps are likely to have more dependencies that the examples we are using in this book. You will have to decide if the benefits that a minimal image provides will overweight the increased complexity and development time required to maintain minimalist Shiny images.

6.9 Installing R Packages

The wealth of contributed R packages can supercharge Shiny app development. This also means that you have to manage these dependencies. In the previous sections, we have already hinted at installing these packages. We will now see the different ways of installing R packages.

6.9.1 Explicitly Stating Dependencies

The first approach is to use RUN instructions in the Dockerfile to install the required packages. You can use the R -q -e "<expression>" pattern to use any R expression you would normally use in your R sessions to install packages. The -q flag stands for quiet and means to not print out the startup message. The -e option means to execute the R expression that follows it and then exit. The Rscript -e "<expression>" is another way to evaluate the expressions without echoing the expression itself. Most often we use the built in install.packages() function and the different options from the remotes package (Csárdi et al. 2024).

RUN R -q -e "install.packages(c('shiny', 'remotes'))"
RUN R -q -e "remotes::install_github('tidyverse/ggplot2')"
RUN R -q -e "remotes::install_local('.')"

The Rocker images have the littler command line utility installed. The previous code piece can be written as:

RUN install2.r --error --skipinstalled shiny remotes
RUN installGithub tidyverse/ggplot2
RUN install2.r "."

The --error flag will throw an error when installation is unsuccessful instead of a warning, --skipinstalled will skip installing already installed packages.

If installing from a private GitHub repository, remotes is going to use the GITHUB_PAT environment variable to authenticate with GitHub to be able to download and install the package. You have to add the following line to your Dockerfile before the RUN instructions that define the install from GitHub:


To pass the GITHUB_PAT at image build, use the following commands:

  export GITHUB_PAT=ghp_xxxxxxxxxx
docker build -t <image-name> --build-arg="GITHUB_PAT=${GITHUB_PAT}" .

The pak R package (Csárdi and Hester 2024) is planned to replace remotes in the future. It provides very similar functionality and improvements, like parallel downloads, caching, safe dependency solver for packages and system dependencies using the P3M database by creating an installation plan before downloading any packages. Not relevant for Linux containers, but pak can even handle locked package DLLs on Windows. Let’s see how these common install statements would look using pak (you don’t need remotes because of using pak):

RUN R -q -e "install.packages('pak')"
RUN R -q -e "pak::pkg_install('shiny'))"
RUN R -q -e "pak::pkg_install('tidyverse/ggplot2')"
RUN R -q -e "pak::pkg_install('.')"

The installr utility shipped with the rhub/r-minimal image uses pak to install packages. The -p flag will remove pak after the installation. You can do:

RUN installr -p shiny tidyverse/ggplot2 local::.

You can pin package versions using Git references, e.g. tidyverse/ggplot2@v1.0.0, or using remotes::install_version().

These functions allow you to provide repositories as argument. But more often, the repositories are set globally as part of options(). You can include the list of repositories in the file:

    r <- getOption("repos")
    r["p3m"] <- ""
    r["archive"] <- ""
    r["CRAN"] <- ""
    options(repos = r)

The P3M repository is set for Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble) with a snapshot of CRAN taken on July 9th, 2024. This effectively freezes package versions to enhance reproducibility. This way of pining maximum package versions is also called “time travel”. The CRAN Haven repository is for recently archived CRAN packages. These archived packages might find their way back to CRAN after addressing the issues for which those got archived. This repository can handle such temporary inconveniences. COPY this file into the /etc/R folder on the Rocker images:

COPY /etc/R

As you develop your Shiny app, you will have to occasionally update the Dockerfile to add manually in any new dependencies. If you forget to do this you will be reminded by an error the next time you build your Docker image and run your app.

6.9.2 Using the DESCRIPTION File

You have seen how to use remotes::install_local() to install a dependency from a local directory or a .tar.gz source file. The list of packages to be installed is determined by the DESCRIPTION file that is at the base of any package folder. It lists the dependencies of the packages.

Packages listed under the Imports field are installed and needed by the package. Other packages listed under the Suggests field are needed for development but are not essential for using the package.

A commonly used hack in the R community is to highjack the package development tooling to simplify installation of the codebase even if it is not necessarily structured as a package. The only thing you need for remotes::install_local() and similar functions to work is the DESCRIPTION file. You don’t even need all the customary fields like title, description, or package maintainer in this file.

For the Bananas app, we need shiny, plotly and the e1071 package listed under Imports. Put this in the DESCRIPTION file:

Imports: e1071, plotly, shiny

In the Dockerfile you need to COPY the DESCRIPTION file into the file system of the image, then call the remotes::install_deps() function. The upgrade='never' argument will prevent installing newer versions of existing packages, thus cutting down unnecessary install time:

FROM rocker/r2u:24.04

RUN R -q -e "remotes::install_deps(upgrade='never')"


You can use the to specify your preferred repositories. The remotes functions will respect those settings.

Using the DESCRIPTION file lets you record the dependencies outside of your Dockerfile. As you develop your Shiny app, you have to update the DESCRIPTION. When the file changes, Docker will invalidate the cache and install the dependencies with the new packages included.

6.9.3 Using renv

The renv package (Ushey and Wickham 2024) is a dependency management toolkit for R. You can create and manage R libraries in your local project and record the state of these libraries to a lockfile. This lockfile can be used later to restore the project, thus making projects more isolated, portable, and reproducible.

If you are using renv with your Shiny projects, you are probably already familiar with the workflow. You can discover dependencies with renv::init() and occasionally save the state of these libraries to a lockfile with renv::snapshot(). The nice thing about this approach is that the exact version of each package is recorded that makes Docker builds reproducible as well.

The renv package has a few different snapshot modes. The default is called “implicit”. This mode adds the intersection of all your installed packages and those used in your project as inferred by renv::dependencies() to the lockfile.

The other mode is called “explicit” snapshot that only captures packages that are listed in the project DESCRIPTION. The “custom” model lets you specify filters for modifying the implicit snapshot, so that you will not end up with the kitchen sink of packages in your Docker image. Read the Using renv with Docker vignette of renv for more useful tips.

Once you have the lockfile in your project folder, you can use it like this:

RUN install.r renv
COPY app/renv.lock .
RUN R -q -e "options(renv.consent=TRUE);renv::restore()"

You have to install renv, copy the renv.lock file over, and use the renv::restore() command. The renv.consent option gives consent to renv to write and update certain files.

renv pins the exact package versions in the lockfile. This is necessary for reproducibility. But full reproducibility is much harder than just the version of R and the package versions. You have to think about the operating system, your system dependencies, and even the hardware (Rodrigues 2023).

Exact package versions could take quite long to install. The reason for that is that binary version of the packages might disappear from the package repositories. In that case, renv will install it from source and it will need possible build time dependencies. The older the lockfile gets, the more problematic it can be to install it without hiccups.

6.9.4 Using deps

renv goes to great lengths to make your R projects perfectly reproducible. This requires knowing the exact package versions and the source where it was installed from (CRAN, remotes, local files). This information is registered in the lock file, which serves as the manifest for recreating the exact replica of the environment.

Full reproducibility is often required for reports, markdown-based documents, and scripts. These are loosely defined projects combined with strict version requirements, often erring on the side of “more dependencies are safer”.

On the other end of the spectrum, you have package-based development. This is the main use case for dependency management-oriented packages, such as remotes and pak.

In this case, exact versions are managed only to the extent of avoiding breaking changes (given that testing can surface these). So what we have is a package-based workflow combined with a “no breaking changes” philosophy to version requirements. This approach often leads to leaner installation.

If you are developing your Shiny app as an R package, then the package-based development is probably the way to go. You already have a DESCRIPTION file, so just keep developing.

But what if you are not writing an R package and wanted to combine the best of both approaches? A loosely defined project with just strict-enough version requirements without having to manage a DESCRIPTION file. Why would you need a DESCRIPTION file when you have no R package? Also, there is a lot that a DESCRIPTION file won’t do for you.

You can manage dependencies with the deps (Sólymos 2024) package by decorating your existing R code with special, roxygen-style comments. For example, here is how you can specify a remote, and alternative CRAN-like repository, pin a package version, or install from a local source:

#' @remote analythium/rconfig@CRAN-v0.1.3

#' @repo sf

#' @ver rgl 0.108.3

#' @local mypackage_0.1.0.tar.gz

You can exclude development packages with the @dev decorator and list system requirements following the @sys decorator.

deps helps to find all dependencies from our files using renv::dependencies(). It writes these dependencies into the dependencies.json file, including the information contained in the comments when using the deps::create() function. The decorators make your intent explicit, just like if we were writing an R package. But we do not need to manually write these into a file and keep it up-to-date. We can just rerun create() to update the JSON manifest file.

create() crawls the project directory for package dependencies. It will amend the dependency list and package sources based on the comments. The other function in deps is install() which looks for the dependencies.json file in the root of the project directory (or runs create() when the JSON file is not found) and performs dependency installation according to the instructions in the JSON file.

Here is the Dockerfile usage where first we install the deps package and copy the dependencies.json. The next RUN instruction is needed if you had system requirements specified via @sys. The jq package is used to parse the JSON and install any of these libraries. Finally, the line with deps::install() that performs the R package installation based on the JSON file:

RUN install.r deps
COPY app/dependencies.json .

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
    $( jq -r '.sysreqs | join(" ")' dependencies.json )

RUN R -q -e "deps::install()"

The deps package comes with a small command line utility that can be added to the dockerfile to simplify the installation process:

FROM rocker/r2u:24.04

RUN install.r pak rconfig deps
RUN cp -p \
    $(R RHOME)/site-library/deps/examples/03-cli/deps-cli.R \
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/deps-cli

COPY app .

RUN deps-cli all

The deps-cli all command will analyze dependencies and install system and R dependencies in 1 line. It also looks for the following files before attempting to auto-detect dependencies in the absence of the dependencies.json: renv.lock, pkg.lock, and DESCRIPTION. pkg.lock is the lockfile created by pak.

6.10 Python Requirements

FIXME: Add content here.

6.11 Dynamic Shiny Apps

Dynamic Shiny app require a runtime environment on a host server that can support the HTTP and websocket connections required for R and Python to communicate with the client (Fig. 5.6). Now that we have reviewed Shiny app development and general principles of working with Docker, we can dive into specific examples. We will use the Old Faithful example. You can follow along using the code in the repository at

There are many examples organized into folders inside the repo. Consult the readme file about each of these. In general, we provide Docker images for the dynamic Shiny app examples in the form of h10y/faithful/<folder-name>:latest. You can use docker run to pull and start the Shiny app as:

docker run -p 8080:3838<folder-name>:latest

Visit http://localhost:8080 in your browser to try the app.

6.11.1 R

The simplest containerized app follows the Dockerfile examples for R that you have seen so far. We provide two Dockerfiles, one for the rocker/r2u and one for the rhub/r-minimal image within the r-shiny folder. Follow this example if your Shiny app consists of a single or multiple files. Put those files in the app folder. Pick your favorite way of specifying your dependencies, and edit the Dockerfile accordingly. The CMD instruction for this type of setup is shiny::runApp().

FROM rocker/r2u:24.04

# Add here your dependencies
RUN R -q -e "install.packages('shiny')"

RUN groupadd app && useradd -g app app
WORKDIR /home/app
COPY app .
RUN chown app:app -R /home/app
USER app
CMD ["R", "-e", "shiny::runApp(host='', port=3838)"]

If your Shiny app is organized as nested files following the structure expected by the rhino package, check the r-rhino folder for an example. rhino relies on the renv package for dependency management, so edit the Dockerfile accordingly. The CMD instruction for a Rhino app is the same as for the r-shiny setup, because Rhiny uses an app.R file as its entrypoint that is being recognized by Posit products as a Shiny app. shiny::runApp() will also recognize it as a Shiny app. The app.R file has a single command, rhino::app(), that returns a Shiny app object.

If you follow a package based development for your Shiny app, check out the r-package, r-golem, and r-leprechaun folders for Dockerfile examples. Here is the r-package example that does not follow any specific framework, but uses the DESCRIPTION file to define its dependencies that will be picked up by remotes::install_local(). At the end, we call a function from the package itself to launch the Shiny app, i.e. faithful::run_app():

FROM rocker/r2u:24.04

RUN groupadd app && useradd -g app app

RUN R -q -e "install.packages('remotes')"
COPY faithful faithful
RUN R -q -e "remotes::install_local('faithful')"

USER app
CMD ["R", "-e", "faithful::run_app(host='', port=3838)"]

The install.packages('remotes') line is not necessary for the rocker/r2u image because it comes preinstalled. But we left the line there so that the Dockerfiles can be used with other parent images that might not have remotes available.

The Golem and Leprechaun framework based Dockerfiles are slight variations of this. Here is the one with Golem:

COPY faithfulGolem faithfulGolem
RUN R -q -e "remotes::install_local('faithfulGolem')"
CMD ["R", "-e", "faithfulGolem::run_app( \
    options=list(host='', port=3838))"]

The same with Leprechaun:

COPY faithfulLeprechaun faithfulLeprechaun
RUN R -q -e "remotes::install_local('faithfulLeprechaun')"
CMD ["R", "-e", "faithfulLeprechaun::run( \
    options=list(host='', port=3838))"]

6.11.2 Python

The Python version of the app follows similar principles. You can find it in the py-shiny folder. The parent image is python:3.9, and dependency management is done via pip and the requirements.txt file. Edit this file as the starting point for your single or multiple file Python for Shiny apps. The CMD instruction calls uvicorn to host the app:

FROM python:3.9

# Add here your dependencies
COPY app/requirements.txt .
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r requirements.txt

RUN groupadd app && useradd -g app app
WORKDIR /home/app
COPY app .
RUN chown app:app -R /home/app
USER app
RUN mkdir .config
ENV MPLCONFIGDIR=/home/app/.config
ENV HOME=/home/app
CMD ["uvicorn", "app:app", "--host", "", "--port", "3838"]

6.11.3 R Markdown

Hosting R Markdown documents with the runtime: shiny is very similar to hosting regular Shiny apps. You need pandoc as a system requirement that you can install with the image operating system’s package manager. The CMD instruction uses rmarkdown::run() to render and run the document every time a user connects to it:

FROM rocker/r2u:24.04
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
    pandoc \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN R -q -e "install.packages(c('shiny', 'rmarkdown'))"
RUN groupadd app && useradd -g app app
WORKDIR /home/app
COPY app .
RUN chown app:app -R /home/app
USER app
CMD ["R", "-e", "rmarkdown::run( \
    shiny_args = list(port = 3838, host = ''))"]

The prerendered option with runtime: shinyrmd require a rendering step by calling rmarkdown::render() before the final rmarkdown::run() in the CMD. Note that the RMARKDOWN_RUN_PRERENDER is set to 0 that tells rmarkdown to not render the document for every user. The HTML is rendered only once so only the reactive components need to be dealt with:

FROM rocker/r2u:24.04
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
    pandoc \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN R -q -e "install.packages(c('shiny', 'rmarkdown', 'deps'))"
RUN groupadd app && useradd -g app app
WORKDIR /home/app
COPY app .
RUN R -q -e "deps::install(ask=FALSE)"
RUN R -e "rmarkdown::render('index.Rmd')"
RUN chown app:app -R /home/app
USER app
CMD ["R", "-e", "rmarkdown::run( \
    shiny_args = list(port = 3838, host = ''))"]

6.11.4 Quarto with R

Using Quarto with R to build and image is conceptually very similar to R Markdown. First we install quarto. There are many ways of installing it, this is one option. You need curl to download the Quarto installer, we use gdebi here to install Quarto from the downloaded .deb package. Once we have Quarto installed, we remove the Gdebi build time dependency.

FROM rocker/r2u:24.04

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
    pandoc \
    curl \
    gdebi-core \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN curl -LO
RUN gdebi --non-interactive quarto-linux-amd64.deb
RUN apt-get purge -y gdebi-core && apt-get autoremove -y
RUN install.r quarto shiny deps

RUN groupadd app && useradd -g app app
WORKDIR /home/app
COPY app .

RUN R -q -e "deps::install(ask=FALSE)"

RUN quarto render index.qmd
RUN chown app:app -R /home/app
USER app
CMD ["quarto", "serve", "index.qmd", "--port", "3838", \
    "--host", "", "--no-render"]

The prerendering uses quarto render before quarto serve with the --no-render flag in the CMD instruction at the end.

6.11.5 Quarto with Python

The Python version with Quarto works very similarly, the only difference is the pip install part based in the requirements.txt file. Otherwise, the Python code will be COPY-ed over as part of the .qmd file. The rendering and serving steps are the same:

FROM python:3.9

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
    pandoc \
    curl \
    gdebi-core \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN curl -LO
RUN gdebi --non-interactive quarto-linux-amd64.deb
RUN gdebi --non-interactive quarto-linux-amd64.deb

COPY app/requirements.txt .
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r requirements.txt

RUN groupadd app && useradd -g app app
WORKDIR /home/app
COPY app .
RUN quarto render index.qmd
RUN chown app:app -R /home/app
USER app
CMD ["quarto", "serve", "index.qmd", "--port", "3838", \
    "--host", "", "--no-render"]

6.11.6 Shiny Server

Shiny Server is part of the rocker/shiny image which is commonly used Docker parent image for hosting Shiny apps. Shiny Server’s Professional version was originally the enterprise self hosting option for Shiny apps before Posit Connect. Nowadays, there is only an Open Source version available. We will talk about non-containerized Shiny Server as a hosting option later.

A nice feature of a containerized Shiny Server compared to previously discussed options is that it can host multiple Shiny apps, even R, R Markdown, Python, and Quarto apps together in the same container.

FIXME: Provide link to this example.

We’ll use the following setup, combining multiple version of our three example apps. We include the apps and their version in a hierarchical folder structure within the apps folder. Besides these files we have an index.html file in the root of the apps folder which will provide links to the different apps inside the nested folders. The Dockerfile sits next to the apps folder:

├── apps
   ├── bananas
   │   └── r-shiny
   ├── faithful
   │   ├── py-shiny
   │   ├── quarto-r-shiny
   │   ├── r-shiny
   │   └── rmd-shiny
   ├── lbtest
   │   ├── py-shiny
   │   └── r-shiny
   └── index.html
└── Dockerfile

We use the rocker/shiny:4.4.1 parent image, install pip for Python 3 because we need it to install requirements for the Python Shiny app (pip is not part of the parent image but you already have Python). We use install2.r to manually install R package dependencies.

Shiny Server comes with a few apps pre-installed inside the /srv/shiny-server folder. We remove all these files before we COPY the contents from the apps directory over to the image. Once all the files are there, we install R dependencies by relying on the deps packages crawling feature: deps::install(ask=FALSE) will create a temporary dependencies.json file based on exploring all the dependencies inside the newly populated /srv/shiny-server folder. Next we install Python dependencies. Finally, in CMD we call the executable /usr/bin/shiny-server that will start the Shiny Server. It will by default listen on port 3838.

FROM rocker/shiny:4.4.1

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    --no-install-recommends \
    python3-pip \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN install2.r --error --skipinstalled \
    shiny \
    bslib \
    rmarkdown \
    quarto \
RUN rm -rf /srv/shiny-server/*
COPY ./apps /srv/shiny-server/

RUN R -q -e "deps::install('/srv/shiny-server',ask=FALSE)"
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade \
    -r /srv/shiny-server/faithful/py-shiny/requirements.txt

USER shiny
CMD ["/usr/bin/shiny-server"]

You can build the image and start a container as:

docker build -t shiny-server .
docker run -p 8080:3838 shiny-server

Visit http://localhost:8080 to see the landing page (Fig. 6.2. Use the links to navigate the different apps.

Landing page for the containerized Shiny Server deployment.

Figure 6.2: Landing page for the containerized Shiny Server deployment.

6.12 Static Shiny Apps

Static Shiny apps can be rendered on your local machine as explained in 5.2. You’d use shinylive::export("<input-folder>", "<output-folder>") in R and shinylive export <input-folder> <output-folder> in Python to render the static pages for Shinylive based on a Shiny app inside the <input-folder> folder. The Quarto examples that used Shinylive were rendered similarly with the quarto render <input-file> --output-dir <output-folder> command.

As you saw before, you need to have a proper webserver hosting the pages and the required CSS and JavaScript assets to avoid cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) issues. You can upload the static files to any file hosting service, like GitHub or GitLab Pages, Netlify, or the DigitalOcean App Platform. These platforms all offer a free tier for hosting static assets. The static pages we rendered based on the Old Faithful example are deployed to GitHub Pages at You can also set up your self hosted virtual server in the cloud to host static files, as you will see in later chapters.

Apart from static hosting, it is possible to put the static files in a Docker image behind a server process. This option assumes that you have all the build time requirements for rendering the Shinylive or Quarto with Shinylive documents.

You can use R or Python as well to serve the static contents using the much bulkier parent images of rocker/r2u or python:3.9. You can use the httpuv R package or the http.server Python module. Although this is clearly doable, it is not necessary and will result in a much larger Docker image. The same outcome can be achieved by using a slimmer parent image and using a multi-stage Docker build process.

We’ll use the OpenFaaS Watchdog for static hosting. It is a single binary file that is built for multiple architectures and is able to serve static assets among other use cases. It is well suited for containerized deployments because it provides a healthcheck mechanism and exposes metrics for observability. You may notice in this example that we have two FROM instructions. The first one takes the watchdog image, the second one uses a small Alpine linux image. We COPY the contents from the app folder of the build context to the /home/app folder of the Alpine image’s file system as we did before. Then we copy the fwatchdog executable file from the watchdog image as well. The only thing why the Dockerfile looks a bit verbose is because we want to create a non-privileged user as we did before to harden our image’s security.

FROM AS watchdog

FROM alpine:3.20
RUN adduser -D app
USER app
WORKDIR /home/app
COPY app .
COPY --from=watchdog /fwatchdog .
ENV mode="static"
ENV static_path="/home/app"
HEALTHCHECK --interval=3s CMD [ -e /tmp/.lock ] || exit 1
CMD ["./fwatchdog"]

The same Dockerfile would work for all static Shiny output whether that is coming from Shinylive or Quarto with Shinylive. Just have these files in the app folder and you are done.

The FROM <image> AS <stage> specification allows us to later specify which parent image we refer to. This is done via the --from=<stage> flag for the COPY instruction. The multiple images used in the same Dockerfile are called stages, and the a build is referred to as a multi-stage build. It is often used to use a bulkier image for build purposes and a leaner image to only copy specific files to. In this case we copy the static contents and an executable file called watchdog.

The environment variables tell the watchdog process to use the static mode and that the contents are in the /home/app folder. The HEALTHCHECK specifies that we should check the existence of the /tmp/.lock file every 3 seconds. This lockfile is created by the watchdog process and its existence is proof of a healthy server. When you run your containers using container orchestration tools like Kubernetes, a failed healthcheck results in creating a new container and removing the old one.

6.12.1 Multi-stage Builds

A common use case for multi-stage builds is to run the building/rendering process in the first stage of the build, and copy over the results – in our case the static files – from the first stage to the final slimmer image (Fig. 6.3.

Docker layers for single (left) and multi-stage builds (right). Dashed lines are temporary layers.

Figure 6.3: Docker layers for single (left) and multi-stage builds (right). Dashed lines are temporary layers.

A Python Shinylive example demonstrates this use case of the multi-stage build capabilities of Docker. The first stage is called the builder and is based on the general python:3.9 image. We save the rendered output into the /root/output folder.

FROM python:3.9 AS builder
RUN pip install shinylive
COPY py-shiny/app app
RUN pip install \
    --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r /root/app/requirements.txt
RUN shinylive export app output

The same idea works for Quarto with Shinylive:

FROM python:3.9 AS builder
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
    pandoc \
    curl \
    gdebi-core \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN curl -LO
RUN gdebi --non-interactive quarto-linux-amd64.deb
RUN apt-get purge -y gdebi-core && apt-get autoremove -y
RUN pip install shinylive
WORKDIR /root/app
COPY quarto-py-shinylive/index.qmd /root/app/index.qmd
COPY quarto-py-shiny/app/requirements.txt /root/app/requirements.txt
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r requirements.txt
RUN quarto add quarto-ext/shinylive --no-prompt
RUN quarto render /root/app/index.qmd --output-dir /root/output

The R version is slightly different because of the different packages that one has to install. Refer to the previous Quarto examples or the example repository for the corresponding changes.

The second part for the Dockerfile for both the Shinylive and the Quarto with Shinylive examples (R and Python alike) is the following:

FROM AS watchdog

FROM alpine:3.20
RUN adduser -D app
USER app
WORKDIR /home/app
COPY --from=builder /root/output /home/app
COPY --from=watchdog /fwatchdog .
ENV mode="static"
ENV static_path="/home/app"
HEALTHCHECK --interval=3s CMD [ -e /tmp/.lock ] || exit 1
CMD ["./fwatchdog"]

This is identical to the previous example where you had the static files rendered locally and outside of the Docker image, and then included with COPY app .. Instead, you have COPY --from=builder /root/output /home/app here which means: grab the files from the output folder of the build stage.

6.13 Image Analysis

Image analysis is a two part process. First, we extract the Software Bill of Material (SBOM) and other image metadata, these are called attestations. Second, we evaluate these data against vulnerability data from security advisories. Docker Scout can perform image analysis among other things and is available by default for Docker Hub repositories.

Some of these features are experimental and are not universally supported in all registries, so we won’t cover everything in detail. You can consult the Docker CLI reference for docker scout.

6.13.1 Attestations

Attestations describe how an image was built, and what it contains. The first kind of attestation is referred to as provenance. You can add the minimum set of provenance information to an image using BuildKit as:

docker buildx build -t <image-name>:<image-tag> \
    --attest type=provenance,mode=min .

Then you can inspect image provenance information with:

docker buildx imagetools inspect <image-name>:<image-tag> \
    --format "{{ json .Provenance.SLSA }}"

The second kind of attestation is the Software Bill of Material (SBOM). The SBOM is a complete inventory of a codebase, the license and version information. The docker scout command can scan images and create an SBOM. Here is the list view of the SBOM from the rocker/r2u:24.04 image:

docker scout sbom --format list rocker/r2u:24.04

#         Name                       Version                Type
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#   KernSmooth                2.23-24                       cran
#   MASS                      7.3-61                        cran
#   Matrix                    1.7-0                         cran
#   acl                       2.3.2-1build1                 deb
#   [...]
#   zlib                      1:1.3.dfsg-3.1ubuntu2         deb
#   zlib1g                    1:1.3.dfsg-3.1ubuntu2         deb
#   zlib1g-dev                1:1.3.dfsg-3.1ubuntu2         deb

Write the SBOM information into a JSON file for further processing:

docker scout sbom rocker/r2u:24.04 > sbom-r2u.json

6.13.2 Vulnerability Scanning

Image analysis uses image SBOMs to understand what packages and versions an image contains. Knowing the exact versions of your packages is not only good for reproducibility but is also the foundation for vulnerability scanning. Docker Scout compares the SBOM to a list of known vulnerabilities.

The quick view gives a high level overview of different levels of vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities are ordered by severity: critical (C), high (H), medium (M) or low (L). There are no critical vulnerabilities known for the rocker/r2u image and there are 2 vulnerabilities classified as high but no critical vulnerabilities.

docker scout quickview rocker/r2u:24.04

#   ✓ Pulled
#   ✓ Image stored for indexing
#   ✓ Indexed 435 packages
#   i Base image was auto-detected. To get more accurate results,
#     build images with max-mode provenance attestations.
#     Review ↗ for more information.
# Target               │  rocker/r2u:24.04 │  0C  2H  206M  44L
#   digest             │  f3272f6d118c     │
# Base image           │  ubuntu:24.04     │  0C  0H    6M   6L
# Refreshed base image │  ubuntu:24.04     │  0C  0H    2M   6L
# Updated base image   │  ubuntu:24.10     │  0C  0H    0M   0L

The CVEs subcommand analyzes an image for vulnerabilities, e.g.  docker scout cves rocker/r2u:24.04. CVE is short for Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures. You might want to filter this result to show only critical and high vulnerability packages.

It is not wise to ignore critical vulnerabilities. In such cases you should find alternatives and not include such packages in your image. Critical vulnerabilities can shake the whole software industry and are usually patched in a short amount of time, or at least a workaround is suggested. Get only critical CVEs as:

docker scout cves --format only-packages --only-vuln-packages \
  --only-severity critical rocker/r2u:24.04

#   ✓ SBOM of image already cached, 435 packages indexed
#   ✓ No vulnerable package detected
# Name  Version  Type  Vulnerabilities

Here is how to check for critical and high vulnerabilities:

docker scout cves --format only-packages --only-vuln-packages \
  --only-severity critical,high rocker/r2u:24.04

#   ✓ SBOM of image already cached, 435 packages indexed
#   ✗ Detected 1 vulnerable package with 2 vulnerabilities
# Name     Version    Type        Vulnerabilities
# --------------------------------------------------------
# linux  6.8.0-35.35  deb      0C     2H     0M     0L

You can see that the 2 high CVEs are part of Linux itself and are not coming from packages that r2u adds on top of the Ubuntu parent image.

6.14 Containers

You have learnt how to build images using the Dockerfile to contain a Shiny app. A “live” version of this image is called the container, that is the runtime instance of the docker image. Besides the image, it consists of a set of instructions that you specify before or during run time, and an execution environment. Let’s see how you can create, start, and manage Docker containers.

6.14.1 Docker Run

The docker run command is a versatile tool because it can not only create and run a new container from an image, but it can also pull the image if needed.

You have seen that we usually set the -p or --port option and map the host port 8080 to the container port 3838 as e.g. -p 8080:3838. Setting the port is needed when running a web application, such as Shiny. This way you can view the application in your browser.

When you start a Docker container it executes a command that you specified before in the Docker image’s configuration, the Dockerfile. The default settings from the image usually work well, but you can also change them if needed. You may set or override many of the instructions from your Dockerfile:

  • --expose exposes a port or a range of ports,
  • --user provides a username to be used,
  • --workdir sets the working directory inside the container,
  • --entrypoint overwrites the default ENTRYPOINT instruction.

It is common to use the --rm flag to automatically remove the container and its associated anonymous volumes when it exits. This way, when you hit CTRL+C, it will not only stop the container, but it will also remove it and docker ps -a will not list it any more. This is best suited for development.

You can provide environment variables through the -e or --env option or provide a file with the variables using --env-file.

Specifying the platform via --platform is needed when working with different architectures, such as ARM64 and AMD64. Setting resources available for the container is possible with the --cpus (number of CPUs) and setting memory limits by --memory.

Docker containers and their file systems are considered ephemeral, which means they are not expected to persist data for long. Therefore, it is recommended to rely on external storage (databases, object stores) for anything that needs to persist and you do not want it to disappear when the container is deleted.

Docker can persist data on the file system using bind mounts or volumes. Bind mounts may be stored anywhere on the host system and you can specify this via the --mount option in docker run. Compared to mounts, volumes are stored in a part of the host filesystem which is managed by Docker and other processes should not modify this part of the filesystem. You can specify volumes with the --volume option. Persisting data on the file system is an advanced topic that we’ll see some examples of later. We mention it here because managing file systems is also part of the magic of docker run.

One more important flag is the -d or --detach flag. This starts the container as a background process. You get back your terminal and can start typing other commands. It can be a good idea to also add a name to the container so we can find it easier without looking for its ID:

docker run \
  --rm \
  -d \
  -p 8080:3838 \
  --name r-shiny \
  --restart=always \

docker ps

# 592caa564860

# COMMAND                    CREATED          STATUS
# "R -e 'shiny::runApp..."   15 seconds ago   Up 14 seconds

# PORTS                    NAMES
#>3838/tcp   r-shiny

The docker ps command lists running containers. You see not only the info we provided with docker run or that were defined in the Dockerfile, but also for how long the container has been running (time since its creation) and also the status of the container.

The docker run command is equivalent of first creating a container that consumes no resources yet with docker create <image-name> and then starting this container with docker start <container-name-or-id>, but it is much more convenient to use docker run.

When the container is running in the background, you cannot stop it with CTRL+C. You have to manage it using the container ID or the container name. To stop the container, use docker stop <container-name-or-id>. This will “gracefully” shut down the Shiny app by sending a so called SIGTERM signal to it. If you use docker kill <container-name-or-id> instead, the process will be abruptly killed with a so called SIGKILL signal. Try docker stop first.

None of these commands will remove the container. This means you can start it again with docker start <container-name-or-id>, or remove it with docker rm <container-name-or-id>. Notice the subtle difference between docker rm (remove a container) and docker rmi (remove an image). Most of the docker commands have aliases, use these if you want to be more specific, e.g. docker rmi is an alias for docker image rm, whereas docker rm is an alias for docker container rm.

If for some reason, the container running in the background experiences an issue, like a unexpected user input, or it runs out of memory, the container will be stopped by default. If you want a different behavior, use the --restart to specify a restart policy:

  • on-failure: restart only if the container exits with a non-zero exit status,
  • unless-stopped: restart the container unless it is explicitly stopped or Docker itself is stopped or restarted,
  • always: the Docker daemon tries to restart the container indefinitely irrespective of the cause.

A non-zero exit status and running out of resources are clear signs of the app not running as expected. You will see in a bit how to troubleshoot using the Docker logs. But in less serious cases, we might not know the “health” of the container without looking at the logs or a user telling us that something is not right. This is where health checks come in. Before we introduce health checks, let’s stop the container:

docker stop r-shiny

We used the --rm flag, so the container will be removed after being stopped. If we haven’t used the --rm flag, we would still see it listed with docker ps -a.

6.14.2 Health Check

Shiny apps, just like any other web application, can crash for many different reasons. It might be due to a bug in the code, your user might do something unexpected. Or simply, the app runs out of resources. This most often means that it runs out of memory. In these cases, it becomes unresponsive, although the process inside is still running. From a user experience standpoint, an exited process is the same as a non-exited but unresponsive process. From a monitoring perspective, one is easier to detect than the other. The purpose of the health check is to report on the status of our application, so that we know when it is “unhealthy”, which means users cannot access it.

The HEALTHCHECK Dockerfile instruction checks a container’s health on startup. It is written as HEALTHCHECK <options> CMD <command>. The options determine how often the health check command is run (--interval, default is 30s), the timeout duration (--timeout, default is 30s). If checks take longer than the timeout, it is considered to have failed.

There is also a start period (--start-period, default is 0s) After this period there are by default 3 retries (--retries) 5s apart (--start-interval). The container is not considered unhealth during the set number of retries. If a health check succeeds during the start period, the container is considered started.

The health check command’s exit status indicates the health status of the container. The exit status can be either 0 (healthy) or 1 (unhealthy). Different commands might return different exit statuses. This is why you often see the health check command formatted as <command> || exit 1 which will force any non-0 exit status to be 1.

For web applications, the simplest command would be to see if the main page responds to a request. If we start the shiny app on port 3838, the Curl command curl --fail http://localhost:3838 returns the HTML of the Shiny app or it fails due to the --fail flag (same as -f).

The health check instruction could look like this:

HEALTHCHECK --interval=15s \
    CMD curl --fail http://localhost:3838 || exit 1

The curl command might or might not be installed in your image. The ubuntu:24.04 parent image does not ship curl, so you have to add this to the RUN instructions that install system requirements. Alternatively, you can use bash (which is available on ubuntu:24.04 but not on alpine:3.20):

HEALTHCHECK CMD bash -c ':> /dev/tcp/' || exit 1

This bash command redirects (>) a null value (:) to the TCP port 3838 on the local host, which is available from inside the container.

Let’s try adding a health check to the image and see how we might be able to see the health status. We can add the command through the --health-cmd option of the docker run:

docker run --rm -d -p 8080:3838 \
  --name healthy \
  --health-cmd="bash -c ':> /dev/tcp/' || exit 1" \

Let’s start another container with a health check targeting a different port, this will cause the check to fail. Note that the healthy container is already using the 8080 port, we map the unhealthy container to port 8081:

docker run --rm -d -p 8081:3838 \
  --name unhealthy \
  --health-cmd="bash -c ':> /dev/tcp/' || exit 1" \

Try docker ps a few times. The status for the healthy image should be (healthy). The unhealthy image should display (health: starting), which would switch to (unhealthy) after the start period. You can also access the health status with the docker inspect command. You’ll need the jq command line tool that can parse JSON output:

docker inspect --format "{{json .State.Health }}" healthy | jq
# {
#   "Status": "healthy",
#   "FailingStreak": 0,
#   "Log": [
#     {
#       "Start": "2024-07-17T08:29:36.969572509Z",
#       "End": "2024-07-17T08:29:37.0504063Z",
#       "ExitCode": 0,
#       "Output": ""
#     },
#     [...]
# }

The output shows the health check results and the failing streak (how many times the check has failed in a row). A 0 failing streak is your target. The same command for the unhealthy container would show a very unhealthy failing streak:

docker inspect --format "{{json .State.Health }}" unhealthy | jq
# {
#   "Status": "unhealthy",
#   "FailingStreak": 10,
#   "Log": [
#     {
#       "Start": "2024-07-17T08:30:13.47309747Z",
#       "End": "2024-07-17T08:30:13.572182554Z",
#       "ExitCode": 1,
#       "Output": "bash: connect: Connection refused
#         bash: line 1: /dev/tcp/ Connection refused"
#     },
#     [...]
# }

Health checks can be more complex than pinging the Shiny app endpoint. For example if your application depends on connecting to external databases and APIs, you might want to include multiple checks in a single script file. These can be shell scripts, R, or Python scripts and can also rely on environment variables that contain access tokens during the container run time. You can include this script file in your image and add the corresponding instruction as:


6.14.3 Container Life Cycle

You have seen the some of the possible statuses of containers. Let’s review the container life cycle in a bit more details so that you get a better sense of how to manage containers that are in different states. Figure 6.4 illustrates the container life cycle.

The Docker container life cycle.

Figure 6.4: The Docker container life cycle.

Containers can be in one of seven states: created, running, paused, restarting, exited, removing, and dead. First the container is created, which means it has never been started. A freshly created container does not yet consumes resources.

After the startup, the container is either running or exited. An exited status can mean that the container finished its job and exited with status code 0, or instead of running, the container failed to start and exited with an error code 1. The exited container does not consumes resources.

A running container is started by either docker start or docker run. It might have a web server listening to incoming traffic, as is the case with Shiny. The start is considered successfully if the container is up for at least 10 seconds and Docker has started monitoring it. The health check does not immediately affect the state of the container as long as the main process is running, but the information might be used by the orchestration service (i.e. Kubernetes) to decide the fate of the container and replace it with a new instance.

A container that is no longer running enters the exited state. This might be due to a CTRL+C signal, an exit code of 1. It can be due to the container running out of resources, for example exceeding the set memory limit. You can also use the docker stop to stop the container. When using docker stop, the main process inside the container will receive a SIGTERM signal, and after a grace period, a SIGKILL. The docker kill command sends SIGKILL immediately to stop the container.

An exited container can be started again with docker start. It can also enter the restarting state when the orchestrator tries to restart a failed container due to a set restart policy. The restart policy will not apply to containers stopped manually.

A running container can enter the restarting state due to the designated restart policy or by calling the docker restart command on a running container. After that, the container will enter the running (or the exited) state.

If you pause a running container with docker pause it will be considered paused. All processes are suspended for an indefinite time, memory is still allocated to store the state of the running container, but no CPU resources are used. You can unpause the container with docker unpause.

You can remove a container with docker rm. You might have to force the removal of a running container with the --force (or -f) flag. The forced stop will use SIGKILL, thus is equivalent to first stopping the container with docker kill and then removing it. The container will be in removing while the container is in the process of being removed.

After the container is removed it will no longer exist unless there was a problem with the removal process. For example the container was only partially removed because resources were kept busy by an external process. Such a “defunct” container is called a dead container and it cannot be started, restarted, only removed.

You can check the status of the two containers that we were using for the health check (we called them healthy and unhealthy) as:

docker inspect --format '{{.State.Status}}' healthy
# running

docker inspect --format '{{.State.Status}}' unhealthy
# running

The --format instruction tells Docker to give us only the State related parts of the overall object returned by the docker inspect command. Within that list, we are interested in the Status property. This is what the .State.Status notation means.

There are other interesting properties as part of the State. Status and Health are two properties that we have seen. But there are others:

docker inspect --format "{{json .State }}" healthy | jq
# {
#   "Status": "running",
#   "Running": true,
#   "Paused": false,
#   "Restarting": false,
#   "OOMKilled": false,
#   "Dead": false,
#   "Pid": 570,
#   "ExitCode": 0,
#   "Error": "",
#   "StartedAt": "2024-07-18T10:20:34.182018084Z",
#   "FinishedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
#   "Health": {
#     "Status": "healthy",
#     "FailingStreak": 0,
#     "Log": [
#       [...]
#     ]
#   }
# }

6.14.4 Managing Containers

Here we summarize the most important commands related to containers. The docker ps command lists the containers. If you have container running, you will see those listed with status Up (i.e. running).

docker ps
# c31e8c365534
# c2a7f34d38bc

# COMMAND                    CREATED          STATUS
# "R -e 'shiny::runApp..."   14 minutes ago   Up 14 minutes (unhealthy)
# "R -e 'shiny::runApp..."   14 minutes ago   Up 14 minutes (healthy)

# PORTS                    NAMES
#>3838/tcp   unhealthy
#>3838/tcp   healthy

docker container stats displays a live stream of the containers’ resource usage statistics (hit CTRL+C to exit):

c8c4dad4e371   unhealthy   0.18%     94.35MiB / 7.657GiB   1.20%
3b44c40aadb7   healthy     0.11%     122MiB / 7.657GiB     1.56%

Use docker logs <container-name-or-id> will print (all) the logs for a given container. Logs are made up of the container’s STDOUT and STDERR. To print only the tail of the logs use docker logs -n 10 <container-name-or-id> that will print the last 10 lines. To follow the logs in real time, use docker logs -f <container-name-or-id>.

The docker exec command executes a command in a running container. For example docker exec -it healthy sh will start a shell in the healthy container we still have running. The -it flag stands for the combination of --interactive (keep standard input, STDIN, open) and --tty (pseudo “teletypewriter”) so we can use the shell interactively.

Start poking around, try typing a few commands:

  • whoami should return app as the user name,
  • pwd should return /home/app as per our Dockerfile instructions,
  • env lists environment variables.

Exit the container’s shell with exit.

To evaluate a command in the container, try docker exec -it healthy sh -c "whoami".

Let’s stop the containers with docker stop healthy unhealthy (yes, you can pass an array of container names to docker stop). You can also stop all running containers with docker stop $(docker ps -q) and all (running and stopped) containers with docker stop $(docker ps -a -q). The $(...) shell expression executes the command within the parentheses and inserts the output and $(docker ps -q) will print out the container IDs.

If you stopped all the containers, you will not see any running containers listed with docker ps. To see the stopped but not removed containers, use the docker ps -a command. We started the healthy and unhealthy containers with the --rm flag, so those were removed after being stopped. As a result, not even docker ps -a will list them.

Sometimes you need to be able to manage containers because the kill signal is not properly relayed to the container when using CTRL+C. This happens when the CMD instruction is provided in shell form (i.e. CMD R -e "shiny::runApp()" instead of CMD ["R", "-e", "shiny::runApp()"]). The shell form runs as a child process of /bin/sh -c (default ENTRYPOINT), and the executable does not receive Unix signals. If this happens, you need to find a way to stop the container.

These are the most commonly used commands with containers:

  • docker container stop <container-id>: gracefully stop a running container (wait for the process to stop),
  • docker container start <container-id>: start a stopped container,
  • docker container restart <container-id>: restart a container,
  • docker container rm <container-id>; remove a container,
  • docker container kill <container-id>: kill a container (abruptly terminate the entry point process).

docker container rm --force <container-id> will remove running containers too. You can make sure the container is removed after CTRL+C if you add the --rm option to the docker run command and it will automatically remove the container when it exits.

6.14.5 Docker Compose

You have seen how to manage a single container. But in practice, we often manage multiple containers: multiple replicas of the same app, different applications, and services that help with sending traffic to the right places, collect diagnostic information, provide a layer of security etc.

Managing all this complexity with Docker on a single container basis is going to be a problem. It is not impossible, but it will be difficult and error prone, and as a result less secure.

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container applications. Docker Compose is declarative in nature, it uses a single, comprehensible YAML configuration file to define the expected state of your system. The YAML defines the services, networks, and volumes.

Version 1 of the Docker Compose project stopped receiving updates from July 2023. Compose Version 2 is included with any new install of Docker Desktop. Version 2 uses BuildKit, and has continued new-feature development.

You might see commands starting with docker-compose. That used to be the command for Version 1. It is now an alias for docker compose by default. It is important to be aware of this historical difference because most examples that you find online might refer to the use of Version 1 and docker-compose. We will use the recommended Version 2 and docker compose for our examples to make this distinction clear.

6.14.6 The Compose File

You will see older tutorials using docker-compose.yml which refers to Version 1 of Docker Compose. Version 2 still supports this file naming, but compose.yaml is recommended to make the distinction clear.

Create an empty text file named compose.yaml and copy-pase this into it.

    image: ""
      - "8080:3838"
    image: ""
      - "8081:3838"
      - DEBUG=1

FIXME: provide link to the example.

The Compose file specification has several top level elements:

  • version is obsolete but can be important for backwards compatibility.
  • name is a value to override the default project name that is derived from the base name of the project directory.
  • services must be defined, it is the abstract definition of a computing resource within an application that can be “composed” together and modified independently from other components.
  • networks defines how the services communicate with each other. By default, each container for a service joins the default network and is reachable by other containers.
  • volumes are persistent data stores.

In our simple example we only use services and define two Shiny apps. You will see more complex examples later. Services are listed by name, each service is followed by their attributes. Attributes are very similar to the command line options we saw for docker run. See the Compose file specification for all the details.

The compose file can also define a service via a Dockerfile under the build attribute. The image will be built and started by Compose. Similarly, you can define the image attribute for pulling the image from a registry. The ports attribute should look familiar by now. It is used to define the port mappings between the host machine (left side of the colon) and the containers (right side of the colon). Notice the double quotes in the YAML file. Some characters, like * or : have special meaning in YAML, thus values containing these should be double quoted.

We defined two services, the Python version of the Faithful example and the R version of the Bananas app. You see environment variables defined for the bananas service.

6.14.7 Compose Command Line

You can use Docker Compose through the docker compose command of the Docker Command Line Interface (CLI), and its subcommands. Let’s review the most important commands. Change your working directory so that the compose.yaml file is in the root of that folder. Start all the services defined in your compose.yaml file as:

docker compose up
# [+] Running 10/10
#  ✔ bananas Pulled                                        13.8s
# [...]
#  ✔ faithful Pulled                                        1.0s
# [+] Running 3/3
#  ✔ Network 03-compose_default       Created               0.1s
#  ✔ Container 03-compose-faithful-1  Created               0.3s
#  ✔ Container 03-compose-bananas-1   Created               0.3s
# [...]
# bananas-1   | Listening on
# [...]
# faithful-1  | INFO:     Uvicorn running on [...]

You’ll see logs appearing in your terminal. First about pulling the images if those are not yet available, or if a newer version can be found. Visit http://localhost:8080 to see the Faithful app and http://localhost:8081 to see the Bananas app. Hit CTRL+C in the terminal to stop the containers.

Similarly to docker run, we can use the -d (or --detach) flag to start the containers in the background as docker compose up -d. You’ll get back your terminal. Use docker compose ls to list currently running Compose projects:

FIXME: edit the compose project name according to example repo name.

docker compose ls
# NAME                STATUS              CONFIG FILES
# 03-compose          running(2)          compose.yaml

Use docker compose ps to list the containers for the current Compose project:

docker compose ps
# NAME                    IMAGE
# 03-compose-bananas-1
# 03-compose-faithful-1

# COMMAND                  SERVICE
# "R -e 'shiny::runApp…"   bananas
# "uvicorn app:app --h…"   faithful

# CREATED          STATUS          PORTS
# 11 minutes ago   Up 17 seconds>3838/tcp
# 11 minutes ago   Up 17 seconds>3838/tcp

Use docker compose logs to get visibility into the logs when containers are running in detached mode. Logs can grow long. Use the -n option to show the tail of the logs: docker compose logs -n 10 will show the last 10 lines of the logs; docker compose logs -n 10 bananas will show the last 10 lines of the logs for the Bananas app, you have to use the service name as defined in the YAML configuration. If you want to follow the logs in real time, use docker compose logs -f for all the logs or docker compose logs -f <service-name> for a given service. Hit CTRL+C to get back into the terminal.

To poke around in the running containers, use docker compose exec. docker compose exec bananas sh will give you a shell inside the container. Let’s type the env command to see the environment variable DEBUG that we defined in the Compose file:

$ env
# HOSTNAME=4f87a297b85c
# HOME=/home/app
# TERM=xterm
# PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
# LANG=en_US.UTF-8
# DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
# LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
# PWD=/home/app

Type exit to exit the shell. Now let’s suppose that you want to change the DEBUG variable to 0 to turn off the debugging mode of the app. Edit the config.yaml file and change the value of 1 to 0. Save your changes. Type docker compose up -d to apply the changes. This will recreate the Bananas service:

docker compose up -d
# [+] Running 1/2
#  ✔ Container 03-compose-faithful-1  Running              0.0s 
#  ⠏ Container 03-compose-bananas-1   Recreate

# Wait for a few seconds ...

# [+] Running 2/2
#  ✔ Container 03-compose-faithful-1  Running                0.0s 
#  ✔ Container 03-compose-bananas-1   Started               10.5s 

Type docker compose exec bananas sh -c "env" to list the environment variables. You should see the new value DEBUG=0.

Stop the containers with docker compose down:

docker compose down
# [+] Running 3/3
#  ✔ Container 03-compose-bananas-1   Removed 10.2s
#  ✔ Container 03-compose-faithful-1  Removed 0.5s
#  ✔ Network 03-compose_default       Removed 0.1s

6.14.8 Container Orchestration

Complexity does not stop at managing multiple containers. The number of containers might not stay constant as you might to demand by scaling up and down. You might also want to roll out new versions by causing minimal disruption in the system. Even Docker Compose might be insufficient for use cases at such scale. This is where container orchestration comes in.

Container orchestration makes this complexity manageable for development and operations (DevOps). Container orchestration automates the provisioning, deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It also abstracts away the underlying infrastructure.

Kubernetes is a widely used container orchestration platform. Running Shiny apps with Kubernetes is an advanced topic, but all that you have learnt about containerized application development will be useful if you ever need to use Kubernetes for your production deployment.

6.15 Best Practices

No matter the use case, Docker images start with a parent image. What parent image you use? How do you add new layers to it? These decisions will determine how quickly you can iterate while in development, and the size of the final image you send to production. But it is not only about your experience, but about possible issues that may arise and security implications that might matter even more.

Let’s review best practices for Dockerfiles and building images that apply not only to containerized Shiny app development but to any containerized application and workflow. These will all improve the developer experience and the quality of the final Docker images.

6.15.1 Parent Images

Decide which is the right parent image for the FROM instruction of your image. The type of the application might dictate this, e.g. R or Python. If you have fewer dependencies, try using a lean image variant. If you need build time tools see if a more general and usually larger image is the best starting point. You might still be able to strip away some fat by leveraging multi-stage builds.

You should also pin the version of your base image. Otherwise, using the latest image tag might surprise you if you try to rebuild your image a few years later. Although Linux systems are generally considered very robust, best practices and the security landscape is evolving constantly. For example, if you used adduser to create a new non-privileged user in your image using Ubuntu 22.04 or earlier, it would fail on 24.04 because it has useradd instead as the recommended function to use. Not a big hurdle, but the image nevertheless would not build as is because now the latest tag refer to the latest version.

Pinning the parent image version might also help with other dependencies as well, e.g. in the Rocker versioned stack of images you’ll have a maximum R package version also pinned that was available at the time of the R versioned image.

6.15.2 Minimize Dependencies

Minimizing dependencies is advantageous for many reasons. It results in a smaller final image size, but more importantly, it presents smaller attack surface for malicious actors. Smaller is usually safer. This is especially true when the image is being used as part of client-facing applications on the Internet. Internal tools and dev containers are less of a concern because these cannot be accessed by the public.

Avoid installing “nice to have” packages and do not start from general-purpose parent images aimed at interactive use. Images for Shiny apps and other web services benefit from keeping the images as lean as possible by adding only those R packages and system requirements that are absolutely necessary. You should also uninstall unnecessary build time libraries. Multi-stage builds can be helpful to only include artifacts that are needed.

6.15.3 Cache and Order Layers

When building an image, Docker executes each instruction in the order specified in the Dockerfile. Docker looks for an existing image in its cache that it can reuse, rather than creating a new (duplicate) image layer. Only the instructions RUN, COPY, ADD create layers.

For the RUN instructions the command string from the Dockerfile is used to find a match from an existing image. For the ADD and COPY instructions, the contents of the file(s) in the image are examined and a checksum is calculated for each file, however he last-modified and last-accessed times of the file(s) are not considered in these checksums.

You can chain RUN instructions to create a single layer. This is especially important when using apt-get update && apt-get install so that the package lists will be used to find the most up-to-date candidates to install. When troubleshooting, use docker run --no-cache <image-name> to disregard the cache.

Caching can be useful is when installing dependencies. Here is a simplified snippet of a Dockerfile to illustrate cache invalidation:

## Install dependencies
COPY <dependencies> .
RUN <dependency-install-command>

## Copy the app
COPY app .

What would happen if we switched the two blocks?

## Copy the app and <dependencies>
COPY app .

## Install dependencies
RUN <dependency-install-command>

You would have to wait for the build to reinstall all the packages whenever the app files have changed. This is because once the cache is invalidated all subsequent Dockerfile commands generate new images instead of using the cache.

In general, start with the instructions that change less frequently. Putting your dependencies before the application source code sounds trivial. But you might have to use parts of your code that define the dependencies through a lock file, etc. In this case you have to copy the lock file separately, install dependencies, then copy the rest of the source code in another COPY instruction.

6.15.4 Switch to Non-root User

By default, Docker containers run as the root user. Root privileges allow unrestricted use which is to be avoided in production. Although you can find lots of examples on the Internet where the container is run as root (Eng and Hindle 2021), this is generally considered bad practice or a “code smell”.

Some parent images come with a non-root user already defined. For example some of the Rocker images have a non-privileged docker user that you can use. Otherwise, create a new group and user with something like this:

RUN groupadd <group> && useradd -g <group> <user>
WORKDIR /home/<user>
COPY app .
RUN chown <user>:<group> -R /home/<user>
USER <user>

6.15.5 No Secrets

Avoid hard coding sensitive information into the Dockerfile or the image. Do not set environment variables with ENV that store passwords or tokens. Set these at run time with environment variables.

Also do not store such sensitive information in files that you copy. Add such files to .gitignore and .dockerignore to help prevent leaking secrets. Here is an example .dockerignore file that will exclude common files used for storing secrets:


6.15.6 Shell vs. Exec Syntax

Use the exec array syntax for CMD and ENTRYPOINT instructions, e.g. CMD ["R", "-e", "shiny::runApp()"]. This will ensure that when you hit CTRL+C to stop the container process it will actually be signalled properly and you won’t have to abruptly kill the container. Use the shell syntax only for RUN instructions, e.g.  RUN R -e "install.packages('shiny')".

6.15.7 Log to STDOUT and STDERR

Your apps should writ logs to standard output (STDOUT) and standard error (STDERR) instead of writing these messages to a file. This way you will be able to use standard Docker tools for reding and collecting the logs later.

6.15.8 Include HEALTHCHECK

Use the HEALTHCHECK instruction to determine if the process running in your container is “healthy” and not just up and running.

6.15.9 Version Your Images

Use timestamps, Git commit hashes, or semantic versioning for your image tags, or a combination of these. You can avoid overwriting existing images and will be able to roll back changes when you send some bugs into production. You can automate this using GitHub actions as you’ll see later.

6.15.10 Readability

Chain commands in your RUN instructions and sort multiline arguments using \. This will also help in updating your Dockerfile and track the changes with Git. The difference will be only a line instead of the whole statement.

6.15.11 More Tips

Linters, like Hadolint use many more rules for Dockerfiles that are worth consulting as an extension of this best practices list. Hadolint is also available as a VS Code extension. Here are some other resources that are worth checking out to improve your Dockerfiles and Docker images, and to secure your containerized applications:

6.16 Summary

The use of Docker with other open source software such as R nd Python has been transformative over the past decade (Boettiger and Eddelbuettel 2017; Nüst et al. 2020; Eng and Hindle 2021). You can find examples for almost anything ranging from interactive data science to asychronous APIs in Kubernetes.

With the newfound ability to wrap any Shiny app in a Docker container, you’ll be able to deploy these images to many different hosting platforms. Of course, there is a lot more to learn, e.g. about handling dependencies, persisting data across sessions and containers, and so on. We’ll cover these use cases in due time. Until then, celebrate this milestone, check out further readings, and try to containerize some of your own Shiny apps.

You can also share Docker images with others. This, however, will require the recipient of your app to have Docker installed and be able to run it locally.

In the next Part, we’ll cover options for hosting your app, so that others will only need a browser to be able to access it. No R, Python, or Docker runtime environment is needed on the user’s part. Hosting the app for your users will also be the preferred option in case you do not want to share the source code or the Docker image with the users.

Further reading:


Boettiger, Carl, and Dirk Eddelbuettel. 2017. An Introduction to Rocker: Docker Containers for R.” The R Journal 9 (2): 527–36.
Csárdi, Gábor, and Jim Hester. 2024. Pak: Another Approach to Package Installation.
Csárdi, Gábor, Jim Hester, Hadley Wickham, Winston Chang, Martin Morgan, and Dan Tenenbaum. 2024. Remotes: R Package Installation from Remote Repositories, Including ’GitHub’.
Eddelbuettel, Dirk, and Jeff Horner. 2024. Littler: R at the Command-Line via ’r’.
Eng, Kalvin, and Abram Hindle. 2021. “Revisiting Dockerfiles in Open Source Software over Time.” In 2021 IEEE/ACM 18th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 449–59.
Nüst, Daniel, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Dom Bennett, Robrecht Cannoodt, Dav Clark, Gergely Daróczi, Mark Edmondson, et al. 2020. The Rockerverse: Packages and Applications for Containerisation with R.” The R Journal 12 (1): 437–61.
Ooms, Jeroen. 2024. Curl: A Modern and Flexible Web Client for r.
Rodrigues, Bruno. 2023. Building Reproducible Analytical Pipelines with R.
Sólymos, Péter. 2024. Deps: Dependency Management with ’Roxygen’-Style Comments.
Urbanek, Simon, and Jeffrey Horner. 2023. Cairo: R Graphics Device Using Cairo Graphics Library for Creating High-Quality Bitmap (PNG, JPEG, TIFF), Vector (PDF, SVG, PostScript) and Display (X11 and Win32) Output.
Ushey, Kevin, and Hadley Wickham. 2024. Renv: Project Environments.